A detailed achievement guide and walkthrough to get you your 100% as quickly and effortlessly as possible. Step-by-step instructions.
Estimated 100% time: ~4-5 hours. (This time will probably increase as more maps are released.)
Offline/online achievements: 9 offline / 0 online. (This number will probably increase as more maps are released.)
Number of playthroughs: Multiple of each map.
Glitched achievements: None.
Missable Achievements: None. You can replay levels freely.
Tips & Tricks
EMF: You will know you’ve successfully found EMF evidence when the character states that the lights on it are behaving weird. It will also become logged in your journal. The easiest way to find EMF evidence is to simply walk around the location the ghost is said to be at. Be careful of electrical appliances and outlets as they will give off an EMF reading! This does not count towards evidence and is meant to throw you off.
Temperature: Much like EMF, You will know you’ve successfully found temp evidence when the character comments on it. It will also become logged in your journal. The easiest way to find temp evidence is to simply walk around the location the ghost is said to be at.
Audio: There are 2 types of audio; EVP and recordings. Whenever you hear a strange sound or the ghost talking, hit spacebar to record it. EVP is actually fairly tough to get in this game and may require a bit of patience. When you hear a strange sound, immediately ask a question and hope the ghost replies. It’s much easier to simply record sounds for this evidence.
Photo: Photo evidence becomes much easier as the hunt progresses. The longer you’re in the house, the more active the ghost will become. Simply wait for them to start getting very active and snap a photo once they manifest.
Gold Trophies
At the end of every investigation you will receive a score card for the amount of evidence you collected in the 4 categories. These bars will determine your rating for that level. I’m still playing around with values and results, but I will update this guide to include what you need for gold exactly, once I know.
EMF: 2 readings (the character will mention that the lights definitely indicate paranormal activity on the 2nd reading) is a full bar.
Temperature: 2 readings (the character will mention the temperature definitely being paranormal) is a full bar.
Photo: 1 picture of the ghost is a full bar.
Audio Evidence: 3 recorded audio pieces is a full bar, but 2 is more than enough.
Exact values for gold: I’m still working out the exact values for gold, however 2 EMF, temp, and audio readings + 1 photo will net you a gold trophy.

You will need to do this during your hunt for evidence and will come naturally. Simply sweep the rooms around the ghosts sighted area until you get a reading for both tools.
You will need to do this during your hunt for evidence and will come naturally. Taking a photo becomes much easier the longer you’re in the house as the ghost will become more active. Once they start getting very active, wait for them to manifest and snap a photo.
You will need to have a ghost reply to a question you ask. Recording a strange sound will not count. Wait for the ghost to start making noises around you and immediately ask a question. if it replies, you’ll earn the achievement!
Evergreen House

Evergreen is the top left map on the board and the 1st map you can visit. Simply earn a gold medal on all 5 missions of the Evergreen House.
This is mission 1 of Evergreen. This ghost can be found upstairs and is most active in the hallway at the top of the staircase. For EMF and Temp, keep sweeping every room upstairs. For audio, wait until you hear strange sounds and record it. For the photo, wait until you hear what sounds like someone running through the hall. Have your camera out and keep your eye out for a glimmering outline of a child. She most often appears in the hall, but can also appear in any of the other rooms upstairs.
This is mission 2 of Evergreen. This ghost can be found wandering the entire main floor of the house and can be very shy until later into the hunt. For EMF and Temp, keep sweeping every room. Be careful of all the appliances and outlets around the house as these can give you false readings. i recommend shoving yourself into corners that don’t have any, such as near the door to the backyard and the walk in closet. For audio, wait until you hear strange sounds or the ghost screaming when it manifests and record it. For the photo, simply wait for it to manifest and scream at you.
This is mission 3 of Evergreen.
This is mission 4 of Evergreen.
This is mission 5 of Evergreen.
Thanks to Stef for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.