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Simple and relaxing fishing game
It requires about 6 hours for 100%
Each day cycle lasts from 10:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Complete the game tutorial

Don’t sleep for two days

At some point some whirlpools will appear on the map, go there and you will teleport, and it will give you the achievement

You only have to open 50 chests throughout the game, they appear and disappear throughout the game at any point on the map

Get a treasure chest, the game will notify you that it appeared and a larger chest will be seen on the map

In the second, to unlock the crab traps, you just have to go to their location on the map and activate them.
In the third map you can unlock the harpoon and with it catch a shark

For this achievement I recommend that you wait to unlock the cafe that lets you fish for 4 more hours on the second map but it can still be obtained in the first map by having the net of 4 fish The ideal is to start rested at the beginning of the cycle and you will have time to catch about 60 fish.

Trade a total of 500 fish with the villagers. Probably the last achievement you obtain, after finishing the game and having all the improvements, you will be around 370-400 pieces, so it is only a little extra effort

See the credits in the game menu

You just have to make 15 recipes in one day, accumulate some fish and then cook it all togethe

Catch 500 fish, it will come out before the end of the game

For this achievement you must make all the recipes of each area To unlock them you can get clues in the chests that are loose or try different combinations until you find them. But I will make your work easier and I will leave them here below

Just get all the upgrades in each zone In the first map they are in a ship that navigates the map In the second in a house in the middle of the map and in the third in an igloo floating on the side of the map
Thanks to STH258 for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.