One of The most interesting part of Call of Duty Black Ops 4 is that there are eight different Specialists classes available with totally differents abilities and they have they own strength and weakness, if you want to win more rounds in the game, it’s neccessay to know everyone of them, and here is a list of all specialists classes and their abilities.

Ajax – “Breacher”
• 9-Bang – press R1 to throw a tactical grenade that flashes and stuns enemies. Can be cooked to detonate multiple times.
• Ballistic Shield – press L1 and R1 to summon a durable transforming defensive shield with a built-in machine pistol.

Battery – “Demolitions Expert”
• Cluster Grenade – press R1 to fire a grenade that sticks to surfaces and disperses a number of smaller grenades.
• War Machine – press L1 and R1 to summon a grenade launcher that fires bouncing grenades which detonate after a short time or by directly hitting an enemy.

Crash – “Healer / Medic”
• Assault Pack – press R1 to deploy small ammunition magazines that provide the team with bonus score for taking down enemies.
• Tak-5 – press L1 and R1 to heal, boost max health, and remove the wounds for the caster and up to four targeted allies. Ability works through walls.

Firebreak – “Area Denial”
• Reactor Core – hold R1 to emit a damaging radiation field that wounds enemies, reducing their maximum health for a period of time.
• Purifier – press L1 and R1 to summon a flamethrower that shoots a steady gout of flame, scorching enemies within close range.

Recon – “Intelligence Operator”
• Sensor Dart – press R1 to use sensor equipment that reveals enemies within its proximity on the minimap, visible to everyone on the team.
• Vision Pulse – press L1 and R1 to pulse the surrounding area and reveal enemies for a short period of time, visible to everyone on the team.

Ruin – “Rusher”
• Grapple Gun – press R1 to quickly move to elevations and other locations.
• Grav Slam – press L1 and R1 to trigger a short, aggressive leap that delivers a lethal blast in a radius around the point of impact.
Seraph – “Tactician”
• Tac-Deploy – press R1 to deploy a beacon that allows your teammates to re-deploy to the surrounding area.
• Annihilator – press L1 and R1 to summon a massive high-caliber revolver that fires devastating rounds with increased bullet penetration.

Torque – “Defender”
• Razor Wire – press R1 to place razor wire in order to damage and slow enemies that attempt to cross it.
• Barricade – press L1 and R1 to deploy reinforced cover protection while securing objectives. Built-in microwave field slows and damages enemies. Owner can deactivate cover at will.

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