A guide to help the players to catch all bugsnaxs

the bugsnax dont need to be 100% in the Lunchpad, so try it out

Use the Snak trap

Use the Trip shot or your Snakgrappler and your bug net

Use the Snak trap (appears at 6:00 PM – 4:00 AM)
Use the Snak trap (appears at 6:00 AM – 4:00 PM)
Use the Lunchpad with the Snak trap
Use the Sause slinger with cheese or ranch, shoot to a rock in the floor and when he comes out and stands in the rock, scare him and make it smash her face in the rock, then use the Bug net
For this 2 use the Trip shot and use the Bug net
Use the Buggy ball, send it to the hole and use the Snaktrap in the other side of the hole
Use the Snak trap (appears only when is raining)
Use the Bug net or the Snakgrappler
Use the Snak trap
Defeat the boss (you can spawn it again)

Use the Sause slinger with ketchup and make him crash with another bunger, then use the Bug net

Use the Sause slinger with ketchup and use the Snak trap

If is in a bush make a bunger crash on it and then use the Snak trap, or just use the Snak trap
When is tired and it rest use the Lunchpad and the Snak trap
Use the Snak trap
Use the Snak trap
Use the Snak trap
Use the Lunchpad and the Snak trap
Use the Bug net or the Snakgrappler

Use the Buggy ball or the Snak trap or both

Use the Snak trap

Use the Sause slinger with chocolate, shot him and the Crapple will do the job for you, then use your Bug net
Use the Buggy ball and the Snak trap
Use the Buggy ball or the Snak trap or both
Use the Sause slinger with chocolate, shoot an razzby and when the green grapeskeeto is fat, use the Bug net
(appears at 4:00 PM – 4:00 AM)
Use the Trip shot and then the Bug net
make a Crapple go to the bush where is hiding and use the Snak trap
When is tired and it rest use the Lunchpad and the Snak trap (appears at 4:00 AM – 4:00 PM)
Use the Snak trap (appears at 6:00 PM – 4:00 AM)
Use the Trip shot (appears at 4:00 AM – 11:00 AM) To make it appear you need to touch the breakfast bell.
Use the Bug net or the Snakgrappler

Use the Snak trap

Use the Sause slinger with chocolate and throw it to a “la sodieux” then, use the Bug net
(appears at 4:00 PM – 4:00 AM)
Use the Snak trap
Search for a coconut in the palmtrees, use the Snakgrappler and throw the coconut in the lava,
then use the Trip shot for both of them
Use the Snak trap
Guide a “la sodieux” to the volcano and he will shot them to extinguish the fire, then use the Bug net.
(you can guide the “noodler” with the buggy ball and chesse)
let the “paletoss grande” explote and use the Bug net
Guide him to the lava and use the Trip shot
Use the Trip shot and the Bug net
Guide a “la sodieux” to the volcano and when is shooting them grab it mid air before it falls in the lava
Guide him to the lava and use the Bug net
Use the Bug net or the Snakgrappler
Hit the boss and use the Bug net
Defeat the boss (you can spawn it again)

Use the Trip shot

Use the Luncpad with the Snak trap
Use the Snak trap and the Sause slinger
Use the Sause slinger with hot sause, shoot to poptick, the scorpenyo will shoot him,
then use the Snak trap
Use the Trip shot or make him crash with another “Spuddy”
Use the Sause slinger with cheese and guide him to the water, then use the Bug net
Use the Snak trap
Use the Lunchpad with the Snak trap (appears at 6:00 AM – 4:00 PM)
Use the Lunchpad with the Snak trap
When is tired and it rest use the Lunchpad and the Snak trap (appears at 4:00 AM – 4:00 PM)
Use the Buggy ball in the hole and the Snak trap in the other side
Use the Bug net or the Snak trap

Use the Trip shot or make it crash with another “loaded spuddy”

Let the “preying picantis” explote and use the Snak trap
Guide him to the water and use the Trip shot
Use the Trip shot adn the Snak trap
Guide him with the Buggy ball and ranch near the lake, the “sodie D” will shoot him,
then use the Bug net
To make him appear you need to break one egg, then use the Snak trap
Use the Trip shot and the Bug net (appears at 5:00 AM – 6:PM)
Guide him with the buggy ball and cheese near the lake, the “sodie D” will shot him,
then use the Bug net
Use the Sause slinger with cheese and make him crash with a rock, then use the Bug net
Use the Snak trap
Use the Snak trap
Use the Trip shot and the Bug net
Use the Bug net or the Snakgrappler
Catch it when is stuned mid boss fight or guide him near the water, so the “sodie D” shots him,
then use the Bug net
Defeat the bos (you can respawn it again)

Use the Trip shot and the Bug net
Use the Trip shot near the water and the Bug net (appears at 4:00 PM – 4:00 AM)
Use the Lunchpad with the Snak trap, then grab the trap with the Snakgrappler
Use the Lunchpad with the Snak trap (appears at 5:00 AM – 6:00 PM)
Use the Trip shot then the Bug net
Use the Buggy ball in the hole and use the Snak trap in the other side
Let the “big bopsicle” explote and use the Bug net
Guide him to the water and use the Trip shot, then Bug net
When is tired and it rest use the Lunchpad and the Snak trap (appears at 4:00 AM – 4:00 PM)
Use the Bug net or the Snakgrappler

Use the Trip shot and the Bug net
Extinguish the fire and use the Bug net (appears 4:00 PM – 4:00 AM)
(you can find one frozen in a cave, melt the ice and just use the Bug net)
Use the Sause slinger with peanut butter, shoot at him and he will fall, the use the Bug net
(appears at 4:00 AM – 4:00 PM)
Use the Snak trap fast, because it frozes in the water
Guide him with the Buggy ball and hot sause near the water, the “mt sodie” will shot him,
then use the Bug net
You will find it frozen in a cave, smelt the ice and use the Trip shot, then Bug net
Let the “scoopy banoopy” explote and use the Trip shot for the trees, then use the Bug net
Let the “scoopy banoopy” explote, guide him with the Sause slinger and chocolate to a
Trip shot with fire, then use the Bug net
Let the “scoopy banoopy” explote and use the Snak trap
Use the Trip shot with fire and then use the bug net
When he is in a bush, ue the Snak trap and make him go out with the Snaxscope
Use the Bug net or the Snakgrappler
Use the Snak trap
Defeat the boss (you can spawn it again)
Thanks to Miguel for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.