Here is a simple guide on how to increase the chances of getter better cards. (Save game cheat)
TL;DR Version
Reveal them.
Not happy? Restore your save and repeat.
Save game location
press Win+R, enter path %appdata%\Return2Games_WIP21 and press enter
In Windows this leads you to something like this:
press Command + Shift + G, enter path ~/Library/Application
see here
In that folder you will find a folder with an ID open it and there you will have:
Backing up and restoring saves (R&R)
First make a copy of YOURNAME.files
Maybe also of the .backup variant.
This is important:
Leave Session (This saves the game) -> Return to Archives or exit the whole game.
ALWAYS return to Archives or exit the game before restoring your game.
To be save always make a copy of the data you want to restore.
Now you have
YOURNAME.files Copy ( Keep this in case something goes wrong, your not happy)
YOURNAME.files Copy2
Ignore you first copy:
YOURNAME.files delete it
YOURNAME.files Copy2 rename it to -> YOURNAME.files
Now if you go back into the game and load Book of Demons your characters are back to the moment of the backup.
I will call this process R&R for reload and rerandom.
Legendaries drops explained
There are 3 ways to get legendary cards.
1.) Guaranteed: Cook, Antipope, Archdemon
2.) Random&Guaranteed: Drop by monster or chest.
3.) Cauldron, very rare NOT guranteed.
for 2. random drops. When a legendary is droped in a normal level that event is predefined.
Reloading and playing that level again will again drop that legendary card.
3.) The Cauldron, there is a very very small chance, i would guess 1% to drop a legendary card. I experienced that only once. Reloading and doing the cauldron again will NOT drop it again.
Unlike magical cards which are determined by the sage (You can reload&rerandom them as well, maybe usefull in the early stage of the game).
The legendary cards are predefined AT DROP means once it’s on the ground the outcome will stay the same.
Reload and Rerandom Legendaries
Shortly before defeating them press ESC, Leave Session and backup your save game file.
Go back, defeat them go to the sage and reveal your legendary.
Not happy? Leave Session (or game) -> Return to Archives, restore backed up save game file. Repeat.
When you experience a drop mid level. Immediatly back up your current save – it normaly dates back when you last visited the town. So don’t worry when you already picked up the card.
To not lose time I recommend to use a Town Portal scroll.
Go to the sage, reveal your card. If not happy R&R.
As stated this is a very very rare event. When you get a legendary card (lucky you you can NOT RERANDOM it. After reload the cauldron will probably not drop a legendary card again.
BUT what you can do. When you have a lot of prices, for example when going for the no cauldron use achievment. You can rerandom these prices and maybe just maybe you get a legendary drop. As the chances are low, it could also be a waste of time. In >500 levels I only got 1 legendary from the cauldron.
I think they implemented a safeguard for this. There is another folder “C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Return2Games_WIP1” Maybe that folder is used to keep track of hacking. I was playing the mage and finally decided to try this hack. Using a key to fight The Cook i was exiting game and backing up files as i got along. So far so good. Finally before killing The Cook, i exited game to desktop for final backup. When i return, files were corrupted, all data was lost. When i replaced corrupted file with back-up, it remained the same. Now all my files are lost. Have to start over.
Update – I backed up both wip1 & wip 21 folder; this is GOG version and it works for normal playthrough. Not sure for key playthough. Will update when i get to it.
Update 2 – Backed-up wip1 and wip 21 folder, for boss, legendary can change after you kill him but before picking up. So make sure to back up before picking up. It is the same for key playthrough. But you do not get legendary drop or any card drop even if you replay highest difficulty mode. As for random dungeon drop, i think it is still better to back-up before pick-up. I have tried picking up before going to town and then backing up but the card reveal is the same multiple times.