I’ll be going over how you can mod (replace) graffiti with your own. This process applies to every other texture as well i.e. Character skins etc etc
Getting started
This is the software we’ll be using to open the asset bundles and import our own textures with.
Funky prep
Importing your file
It should look something like this:

Now click on File>Open and select your BRC directory
If you don’t know where that is, right click the game in your library. Then Properties>Installed Files> Browse
To find where the game stores the assetbundles go through Bomb Rush Cyberfunk_Data>StreamingAssets>Assets then click on the “graffiti” bundle.
You’ll be greeted with this popup, press“Memory“:
Next you’ll get a view like this, press “Info“:
Now things get a bit more crowded but don’t let that stop you. Click on the name column to sort all assets by name and then scroll until you reach the files called “grafTex”. Here look for the graffiti you want to replace. In this example i will replace grafTex_S0 (Which is Red’s tag). Click on that asset and then the Plugins button to the right.
After you clicked on Plugins you will be greeted with the choice between “Export Texture” and “Edit Texture”. We want to edit the texture of course so we click that and then “Ok”. Next pops up a new window where with a “Load” button on the bottom. After clicking that you can select your Graffiti file for import. Click “Save” next.
Back in the overview you wanna go to the top left File>Save. You can close the Window after.
Now back to the main window of UABEA click File>Save AGAIN and you’ll be all good.
All done!

With this newfound knowledge you can basically edit any texture inside this game (Most importantly character skins). You’re also able to export pretty much everything but i will provide many assets in my google drive here[drive.google.com]. Expect some more folders after i finished the game
Now happy modding and remember.
Thanks to Hang for his excellent guide; all credits belong to his effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. Enjoy the game.
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when i click on plugins it do not propose me “Export Texture” and “Edit Texture”