This is a Detailed Guide to all heroes in the game. hope you love this guide.
Note: All info in this guide is the current statistics of all 12 heros in the game as of Version 25.1.
Quincy. The Archer

Quincy is a Hero in the game Bloons TD 6. He specializes in archery-related weaponry. His main attack is an arrow that ricochets off of 3 targets. Quincy has medium range. He is an all-around Hero with a decent attack speed, good against popping early-game bloons, and is cheap enough to start with him in most games.
In Game Costs: $455 on Easy, $540 on Medium, $585 on Hard, and $650 on Impoppable.
1. Cheap With decent Statistics
2.Can Get Camo Bloon Detecton Easily before Round 24
3.Has significant Moab Damage
1. Does not gain Lead popping power till lvl 7
2. Can be seen as weak during the early game due to his tendency to miss.(Can Be avoided with Rapid Shot Ability)
Level 1 – Quincy’s arrows bounce up to 3 different targets.
Level 2 – Base attack bounces up to 4 targets.
Level 3 – Unlocks Rapid Shot Ability.
Cooldown is 60s and initial cooldown is 16.7s.
Level 4 – Slightly longer range.
Level 5 – Allows Quincy to detect Camo Bloons.
Level 6 – Allows Quincy to fire two arrows.
Level 7 – Quincy shoots an exploding arrow every 3rd shot.
All arrows on that shot cause an explosion on hitting a bloon. The explosion has 1 damage and 10 pierce with a blast radius of approximately 20. The arrows then keep travelling like normal arrows.
Level 8 – Arrows deal triple damage to MOAB-class bloons.
Level 9 – Base attack bounces up to 6 targets.
Level 10 – Unlocks Storm of Arrows Ability.
The ability creates a damage area which lasts for 3 seconds. Each bloon repetitively takes 6 damage during this at a random rate.
If a Bloon stays in the damage area throughout the whole ability, it takes about 3 to 15 hits, causing 18~90 damage.
Only does double damage to MOAB-class bloons, unlike main attack.
Cooldown is 70 seconds and initial cooldown is 20s.
Level 11 – Increased attack speed by 50%.
Level 12 – Each arrow gets more popping power.
Bounces up to 7 targets.
Level 13 – Small range increase.
Level 14 – Arrows do quad damage to MOAB-Class Bloons.
Level 15 – Rapid shot becomes 4x attack speed, reduced cooldown to 45s.
Level 16 – Increased attack speed by 50%
Total attack speed is now 1.5 * 1.5 = 225%.
Level 17 – Arrows last 25% longer.
Level 18 – Storm of Arrows has reduced cooldown, 50% more arrows, and faster attack speed.
Storm of Arrows damaged rate increased by 50%, cooldown reduced to 55s.
Attack speed increased by 50%. Total attack speed is now 1.5 * 1.5 * 1.5 = 337.5%
Level 19 – Each arrow gets even more popping power.
Bounces up to 9 targets.
Level 20 – Storm of Arrows increased damage per arrows, and even more arrows.
Damage increased to 10. Damage rate increased by 30%.
Rapid Shot: Triples Quincy’s attack speed for (level/2 + 2) seconds. Becomes Quadruple speed at Level 15+.
Storm of Arrows: Covers a large area in a deadly rain of arrows, popping all bloons in its radius (except for bloons that Quincy himself cannot pop). Levels 18 and 20 add more arrows and damage on top of the existing ability.
Version History:
Quincy’s most significant buff was in Version 10.0, allowing him to become a viable starting hero option on almost all normal game modes. He gained further buffs in Version 11.0 to slightly counter his constant missing of targets, decrease liability of the Level 7’s Exploding Arrows attack, and improving Storm of Arrows at countering MOAB-class bloons and Super Ceramics.
Buff. Base cost reduced ($700 –> $540)
Buff. Quincy’s base projectile speed increased (320 -> 420)
Buff. Quincy’s level 7 Exploding Arrow’s now continue to pierce and ricochet after the initial explosion
Buff. Quincy’s level 10 Arrow Storm damage increased (3 -> 6)
Buff. Quincy’s level 10 Arrow Storm deals 2x damage to MOAB-Class bloons
Buff. Quincy’s level 20 Arrow Storm damage increased (5 -> 10)
Quincy’s arrows seeking have been changed.
This was not documented in the patch notes. It is speculated that there is a correlation with the Neva-Miss Targeting performance change. It is assumed this change was for the worse, but there is no objective evidence.
Quincy’s arrows seeking have been changed. (?)
This was not documented in the patch notes. It is speculated that there is a correlation with the Glaive Ricochet seeking pattern change. It is assumed this change was for the better, possibly reverting to the pre-14.0, but there is no objective evidence.
Gwendolin. the Pyromaniac

Gwendolin is a Hero in Bloons TD 6. She specializes in fire-based weaponry and is unlocked at experience level 14. She has short range, and her main attack is a medium-range fire blast from her flamethrower whose shots can pierce up to 3 Bloons. Due to her attack being fire based, she cannot pop Purple Bloons, at least until level 16. She is also unable to pop Camo Bloons without support, except with her abilities.
Base costs: $765 on Easy, $900 on Medium, $970 on Hard, and $1,080 on Impoppable.
1. can help beat various difficult grouped bloon rounds with ease.
2. Her burn effect is a powerful ability she gains early on; putting her on ‘Strong’ targeting allows her to tear through early rounds, including popping leads
1. Cannot Damage Purple Bloons Until level 16+
2. Cannot Gain Camo Bloon Detection without support
Level 1 – Blasts Bloons with fire from her pyro gun.
Level 2 – Slightly increases popping power per shot.
Level 3 – Unlocks Cocktail of Fire: Hurls a flask of flammable liquid, burning bloons that pass through the fire.
Level 4 – Heat it up – Every few seconds creates a powerful blast wave of fire that pops Bloons and adds fire to nearby Monkeys’ attacks.
Periodically creates a powerful blast of fire around Gwendolin that pops Bloons, and adds fire to nearby Monkeys’ attacks. This occurs every 40 shots she makes. This buff allows nearby affected towers to pop lead bloons and gives them +1 pierce. Lasts 8 seconds.
Level 5 – Increased popping power.
Level 6 – Attacks can cause a burn effect on target bloon.
Level 7 – Heat it up has increased radius
Level 8 – Shoots 2 blasts of fire per shot.
Level 9 – Initial hit for per blast pops 1 extra layer.
Level 10 – Firestorm: Sets the whole screen alight, burning all Bloons and granting the Heat It Up buff to all Monkeys.
Level 11 – Increased attack range.
Level 12 – Increased attack speed.
Level 13 – Greatly increased popping power, plus projectiles move faster and last longer
Level 14 – Cocktail of Fire does extra damage and sets MOAB class Bloons alight.
MOAB-class bloons that come in contact with the fire take 50 damage over 10 seconds, and normal bloons have a burn effect applied to them.
Level 15 – Increased attack speed.
Level 16 – Firestorm has increased duration. Purple Bloons are no longer immune to Gwendolin’s attacks.
Allows Gwendolin to pop Purple Bloons, and Firestorm lasts longer.
Level 17 – Heat It Up empowers affected monkeys to pop 1 extra layer, and do +2 damage to Lead Bloons.
Level 18 – Increased attack speed.
Level 19 – Shoots 3 blasts of fire per shot.
Level 20 – Firestorm does hugely increased damage.
The flames now inflict multiple layers of damage at a time to bloons and do 25 damage per second to MOAB class.
Cocktail of Fire – Throws a molotov cocktail, which generates a fiery explosion that burns any Bloon that passes through the flames (including camo bloons), and will continue to burn for about half the cooldown of the ability. When bloons are in Gwendolin’s range, she aims it at the furthest bloons advanced. When there are no bloons in her range, or if there are camo bloons that she cannot detect, she throws the cocktail to a random spot in her range.
Firestorm – Covers the entire screen with fire, igniting all bloons. Burns about 2 layers per second and does 10 damage per second to MOAB class bloons, as well as triggering Heat it Up for all monkeys on screen. Increases burn to 5 damage per half a second on normal bloons and 25 damage to MOAB-class per second at Level 20.
Version History:
Gwendolin was the dominant hero in early versions of BTD6 due to her formerly almost always permanent Heat It Up effect. Her Heat It Up has been nerfed in Version 6.0, and has dropped in power ranking since then. She received additional overall buffs starting from Version 14.0 to keep her power on par with heroes who have received more buffs, as well as to make her more flexible of a hero.
Change balloon.png Scientist Gwendolin Skin added
Nerf. Gwendolin’s Heat It Up will trigger less often and will no longer refresh while Heat It Up is already in effect.
Change balloon.png Gwendolin’s burn effect on MOAB-class bloons will now display fire on affected MOAB-class.
Buff. Level 17 Heat It Up now grants an extra +1 damage to Lead Bloons
Buff.Level 10 Firestorm ability now also applies Heat It Up to all towers when activated
Buff.Level 14 now also adds a Damage Over Time application to the Cocktail of Fire ability. This also applies 50 damage over 10 seconds to any MOAB Class Bloons that are hit. Normal napalm is applied to all other bloons.
Change balloon.png Harlegwen skin added
Buff. Heat It Up passive attack time requirement reduced (15s –> 4.5s). Note that both the time requirement and shot requirement still must both be met in order to activate the Heat It Up effect.
Nerf. Heat It Up shots required to trigger has been scaled up to her match her innate attack rate at all levels, and the base cooldown has also been increased. Former shot numbers was 30 shots for all levels.
Level 4’s Heat It Up ability triggers after 60 shots
Level 12’s Heat It Up ability triggers after 70 shots
Level 15’s Heat It Up ability triggers after 90 shots
Level 18’s Heat It Up ability triggers after 110 shots
Nerf. Heat It Up cooldown is now increased for all levels, due to increased Heat It Up shot requirements.
Level 4’s Heat It Up cooldown increased from 15s to 30s
Level 12’s Heat It Up cooldown increased from 12s to 28s
Level 15’s Heat It Up cooldown increased from 9s to 27s
Level 18’s Heat It Up cooldown increased from 4.5s to 16.5s
Buff. Natural Heat It Up should trigger roughly +50% more at all levels
Level 4’s Heat It Up ability triggers after 40 shots instead of 60. Therefore, cooldown is now 20 seconds instead of 30 seconds, +50% faster rate.
Level 12’s Heat It Up ability triggers after 48 shots instead of 70. Therefore, cooldown is now 19.2 seconds instead of 28 seconds, +45.83% faster rate.
Level 15’s Heat It Up ability triggers after 64 shots instead of 90. Therefore, cooldown is now 19.2 seconds instead of 27 seconds, +40.63% faster rate.
Level 18’s Heat It Up ability triggers after 70 shots instead of 110. Therefore, cooldown is now 10.5 seconds instead of 16.5 seconds, +57.14% faster rate.
Nerf. [undocumented] Gwendolin Heat It Up no longer allows explosions to damage DDTs
Striker Jones. the Artillery Commander

Striker Jones is a Hero in Bloons TD 6. He specializes in military weaponry. He’s unable to pop camo, and mainly supports Bomb Shooters and Mortar Monkeys. He’s also unable to pop Black Bloons, until level 5, which makes all Black Bloon properties less resistant to explosives. When he reaches at least Level 19, the Black Bloon property is fully nullified while he is on the map, thereby allowing any explosive projectile to damage Black Bloons, Zebra Bloons, and DDTs.
Base costs: $640 on Easy, $750 on Medium, $815 on Hard, and $900 on Impoppable.
1. Can make black bloons, Zebra bloons, and DDTs 50% less Resistence to explosions at level 5 and Removes the explosive immunity at level 19
2. Can Buff Explosive Towers (Bomb towers and mortar tower)
1. Can’t Pop black bloons till level 5
2. Cannot Gain camo bloon detection without any support towers
Level 1 – Striker Jones shoots a powerful bazooka to explode Bloons.
Level 2 – Increased blast radius. – $180
Level 3 – Unlocks Concussive Shell. – $460
Level 4 – All Bomb Shooters and Mortar Monkeys on screen shoot 10% faster – $1000
Level 5 – Makes Black Bloons less resistant to explosive attacks. (50% chance to pop Blacks with explosives) – $1860
Level 6 – Blast radius and popping power for Jones’s normal attacks increase greatly – $3280
Level 7 – Pops 2 layers per shot and Mortar Monkeys blast radius increased by 10%. – $5180
Level 8 – All Bomb Shooters near Jones get +5% range and +25% piercing power. – $8320
Level 9 – Increased attack speed – $9380
Level 10 – Unlocks Artillery Command. – $13640
Level 11 – Increased attack speed. – $16380
Level 12 – Slightly increased range, and Jones’s normal attacks pop 3 layers per shot. – $14400
Level 13 – Increased attack speed . – $16650
Level 14 – Concussive Shell affects a larger area for a longer duration. – $14940
Level 15 – Concussive Shell’s cooldown is reduced to 11 seconds. – $16380
Level 16 – More increased attack speed. – $17820
Level 17 – Increased range and pops 4 layers per shot. – $19260
Level 18 – All Bomb Shooters and Mortar Monkeys get +10% attacking speed. – $20700
Level 19 – Increased attack speed and makes all Black Bloons vulnerable to explosive damage. – $16470
Level 20 – Artillery Command also gives double damage and popping power to all Bomb Shooters and Mortar Monkeys for 10 seconds. – $17280
Concussive Shell – Shoots a guided shell at the largest Bloon onscreen, stunning it on impact
Artillery Command – Resets the cooldown of all Bomb Shooters and Mortar Monkeys
Version History:
Striker Jones received multiple buffs across history, with a huge buff overall. The most significant buffs for him were to his explosive non-immunity buffs for all explosions, allowing explosive-heavy strategies to prosper in CHIMPS scenarios, most especially MOAB Mauler spam strategies. His main attacks and Level 9+ Concussive Shell ability buffs were also significant at giving him both higher DPS and act as a better stun support at his higher levels.
Buff. Overall fire rate increased.
Buff. Concussive Shell ability cooldown decreased (TBA seconds → 15).
Buff. Level 9+ Striker Jones will now allow all explosives to have 50% chance to damage Black Bloons.
Buff. Striker Jones’ base pierce increase (6 → 10)
Buff. Striker Jones can now affect Mortar Monkeys (Mortar Monkey’s initial release date)
Change. Description of Level 10 now updated to reflect affecting Mortar Monkeys
Buff.Double damage effect now (correctly) applies to extra special bloon type damage (MOAB Maulers, Heavy Shells, etc.)
Buff. Level 9+ Striker Jones now (unintentionally) causes numerous unintentional interactions with other tower upgrades.
Nerf. [bug fix] Level 9+ Striker Jones no longer causes numerous unintentional interactions with other tower upgrades (Druid of Jungle affecting MOAB-class, Shell Shock stunning MOAB-class, Bloon Master Alchemist and MOAB Domination special attacks targeting BADs, and normal Ice Monkeys and normal Glue Gunners attacking without status-affecting MOAB-class, among others)
Change. New Biker Bones Skin.
Change. Added special art asset for Striker’s Level 10 ability
Change Level 5 and Level 9 upgrades were switched around.
Buff.Level 19 now completely nullifies Black Bloon immunity, including DDT’s
On the reddit post for the Patch Notes of Version 14.0, NK employee Rohan said that these changes were done to target DDTs.
Buff. Level 9 also increases Concussive Shell’s pierce increased from 48 to 58
Buff. Level 9 also increases Concussive Shell’s damage from 2 to 10
Buff. Level 9 also increases Concussive Shell’s Bloon stun duration from 1 to 5
Buff. Level 9 also increases Concussive Shell’s MOAB stun duration from 1 to 3
Change New Octojones Skin
There is currently a bug where Striker Jones’ Level 5 and 19 buffs allow energy-based attacks to damage DDTs.
If Level 19 is obtained through exp instead of being purchased with cash, its secondary effect does not take place; meaning Black bloons still have a 50% chance of being damaged by explosives at Levels 19 & 20 instead of a guaranteed hit.
Obyn Greenfoot. the Forest Guardian

Obyn Greenfoot is a Hero in the game Bloons TD 6. He specializes in nature-based attacks and weapons, and is one of the cheapest heroes so far.
His main attack launches “spirit wolves” at Bloons. This attack homes in on Bloons, can travel through objects, and pierces up to 4 bloons before disappearing, initially dealing 2 damage every time his main attack hits a bloon. He is capable of popping Lead Bloons, but he cannot pop Camo Bloons or pop Purple Bloons outside of his abilities. Both of his abilities, Brambles and Wall of Trees, place road items randomly on the track meaning there is an element of luck every time they are used. In addition, Obyn at higher levels will regularly place his slowdown totems randomly around nearby track within range.
Obyn Greenfoot additionally comes with sets of local-ranged buffs towards mostly Druids. At Level 2+, he grants all nearby Druids with +1 pierce. At Level 11+, he grants all Magic Monkeys nearby with +2 pierce and +5 range on top of any other buffs, in turn buffing Druids to +3 pierce instead of +2. At Level 18+, his final buff allows all Druids of Wrath to immediately start with full wrath for maximum attack speed.
Base Costs: $550 on Easy, $650 on Medium, $700 on Hard, and $780 on Impoppable.
1. Main Attack Seeks out and pops bloons automatically and can pop lead bloons.
2. Can Greatly Buff Magic based monkeys
1.Can’t pop purple bloons
2.Can’t gain camo bloon detection without any support towers.
Level 1: Shoots a homing spirit wolf that pierces 4 bloons and goes through solid objects.
Level 2: Nature’s Wrath: All Druids in range get +1 pierce.
Level 3: Unlocks Brambles.
Level 4: Every 18 seconds, Obyn creates a nature totem that slows down all bloons in its range by 30%.
Level 5: Increased attack speed.
Level 6: Increased popping power.
Level 7: Brambles can pop 100 bloons.
Level 8: Nature’s ward totems slow down bloons by 40%.
Level 9: Attack pops 2 extra layers.
Level 10: Unlocks Wall of Trees. (Holds up to 3000 RBE worth of bloons)
Level 11: Nature’s Clarity — all Magic Monkeys in range get an additional +5 range and +2 pierce (total of +3 for Druids)
Level 12: Increased attack speed.
Level 13: Increased popping power.
Level 14: Attack pops extra layers.
Level 15: Nature’s Ward slows Bloons by 60%, and has reduced cooldown.
Level 16: Brambles pop 500 Bloons each and can pop any bloon type.
Level 17: Increased attack speed.
Level 18: Improved Wrath — all Druid of Wrath pops start each round at 200.
Level 19: Attack pops extra layers.
Level 20: Wall of Trees can hold a lot more Bloons.(Can Hold up to 5000 RBE worth of bloons)
Brambles – Creates a spike bush on the track that can pop 50/100/500 bloons.
Wall of Trees – Summons a wall of trees across the track that destroy bloons that enter. When full, the trees burst into many bananas that give you extra cash.
Version History:
Obyn received many buffs in earlier versions of BTD6 due to being outclassed by other heroes in both support and damage. On Version 8.0, he received some significant buffs to his main attack damage and pierce bonus for Magic Monkeys, but later received a series of nerfs that later made him less versatile in the early mid-game, although he is still an effective early-game hero and remains the best hero option for Avatar of Wrath + Poplust strategies. Later on, he received a few buffs dedicated to making his abilities more reliable.
Buff. Brambles pops more bloons (20/30/100 –> 50/100/500)
Change balloon.png Wall of Trees can no longer be placed in places further from the visible entrance or exit.
Change balloon.png Obyn’s Totems are now placed on the track instead of on the land.
Buff. Obyn’s Totems slows bloons down further (15%/25%/35% –> 30%/40%/60%)
Buff. Obyn pops more layers (1 –> 2)
Buff. Obyn Level 9+ pops more layers (2 –> 4)
Buff. Obyn Level 14+ pops more layers (3 –> 6)
Buff. Obyn Level 19+ pops more layers (4 –> 8)
Buff. Obyn’s Level 2+ Nature’s Wrath gives additional pierce to Magic Monkeys (+1 –> +2)
Nerf. Obyn’s totems no longer act as Camo detection for 2/x/x Monkey Subs.
Change. New Skin: Ocean Guardian
Nerf. Obyn Greenfoot’s price increased ($600 -> $650)
Nerf. Obyn’s level 2 Nature’s Wrath pierce buff reduced (+2 total pierce -> +1 total pierce)
Buff. Obyn’s level 11 now also increases Nature’s Wrath pierce (+2 total pierce -> +3 total pierce)
Nerf. Obyn’s level 11 Nature’s Clarity no longer applies range to all tower types.
Buff. Obyn’s totems now have 0 footprint and will not interfere with placement of towers near them
Buff. Multiple Obyn’s in co-op can now all use Wall of Trees.
Nerf. Obyn’s totems slowdown effect on MOAB-class Bloons is halved (30%/40%/60% –> 15%/20%/30%)
Buff. Level 10 Wall of Trees hitbox increased so it can overlap at intersections
Nerf. Obyn’s level 2 buff of +1 pierce now only applies to Druids.
Nerf. Obyn’s level 11 buff decreased for Magic Monkeys other than Druids (+3 total pierce –> +2 total pierce)
Change balloon.pngNew Skin: Mountain Guardian
Buff. Obyn’s level 3 Brambles will now target Bloons in radius unless there is none
Buff. Obyn’s level 10 Wall of Trees will now target Bloons in radius unless there is none
Captain Churchill. the Tank

Captain Churchill is a Hero in Bloons Tower Defense 6 who was added to the game in the 2.0 Update. He pilots a tank; as such he utilizes explosives as his main form of attack. The tank launches explosive shells that generate multiple explosions, and leveling him up adds more weaponry to the tank. In addition, he is only unlockable by a one-off purchase of 2,500 In Game Monkey Money.
Base costs $1,700 on Easy, $2,000 on Medium, $2,160 on Hard, and $2,400 on Impoppable.
1. MOAB Barrage ability weakens the strongest MOAB-class bloons into much more manageable chunks
2. synergizes well with Overclock because of gaining a considerable attack speed buff from the Overclock ability
1. cannot pop DDTs without abilities
2. very expensive
Level 1: Piercing bombs shot from the tank can explode up to 3 times.
Main Gun fires shell every 0.7 seconds with a range of 63 and creates explosion on impact up to 3 times. There is a cooldown between every time the explosions can be created.
Explosions deal 1 damage, have 15 pierce, are of the explosion type and have ~24 blast radius.
Level 2: Increased popping power per shot.
Pierce for explosions increased from 15 to 18.
Level 3: Armor Piercing Shells: Shots can pop Black Bloons and do extra damage to Ceramic Bloons. Duration increases as Churchill levels.
For (8+0.5 seconds*l), where l is the level of Captain Churchill, gives all attacks normal damage type (able to damage all bloon types), allows shell to create two more explosions, and increases explosion ceramic and MOAB damage by +3.
30 seconds cooldown.
Level 4: Increased attack range.
Range increased from 63 to 66.
Level 5: Adds a fast firing machine gun to the tank.
Machine Gun has 1 damage, 1 pierce and attacks every 0.1 seconds and is of the sharp damage type.
The machine gun has its own targeting independent of the main gun, and is always set to First.
Level 6: Binoculars allow Churchill to pop Camo Bloons.
Level 7: Shells deal more damage and can explode 4 times instead of 3.
Shell damage increased from 1 to 2 and shell can create 4 explosions.
Level 8: Increased attack speed.
Main Gun attack speed increased from 0.7 seconds to 0.5 seconds.
Level 9: Shells can explode 5 times.
Shell can create 5 explosions.
Level 10: MOAB Barrage: Launches a barrage of shells at up to 10 MOAB-Class Bloons on screen, dealing massive damage each time.
Each barrage missile deals 200 damage.
60 seconds cooldown.
Level 11: Increased popping power per shell.
Explosion pierce increased from 18 to 23.
Level 12: Shells get additional increased damage and can explode 6 times.
Explosion damage increased from 2 to 3 and shell can create 6 explosions.
Level 13: Armor Piercing Shells pop 2 layers of Bloon and do extra damage to Ceramic and higher.
Armor Piercing Shells now grants +1 damage, +7 ceramic damage and +7 MOAB damage.
Level 14: Machine Gun and Main Gun can pop 1 additional layer per shot.
Explosion damage increased from 3 to 4, Machine Gun damage increased from 1 to 2.
Level 15: All attacks do extra damage vs Fortified Bloons.
Explosion and Machine Gun now deal +1 fortified damage.
Level 16: Increased attack speed.
Main Gun attack speed increased from 0.5 to 0.3 seconds.
Level 17: Armor Piercing Shells do even more damage.
Armor Piercing Shells now gives +2 damage, +11 ceramic damage, and +11 MOAB damage to Churchill when activated.
Level 18: All shells pop an extra layer of Bloon.
Explosion damage increased from 4 to 5.
Level 19: Shells can explode 7 times.
Shell can create 7 explosions.
Level 20: MOAB Barrage and Main Gun do massively increased damage per hit.
Each barrage missile deals 500 damage.
Cooldown of MOAB Barrage is cut in half from 60 to 30 seconds.
Armor Piercing Shells – Allows Churchill’s shots to pop Black Bloons and deal extra damage to Ceramic Bloons for 5 seconds.
MOAB Barrage – Launches a barrage of shells at up to 10 MOAB-Class Bloons onscreen, dealing massive damage each time.
Version History:
Captain Churchill received many buffs throughout updates, to the extent that he is one of the strongest DPS heroes in the entire game overall in comparison to each hero level.
Buff. Captain Churchill has been released.
Buff. XP requirements reduced by 10%
Change balloon.png Churchill has a purchasable skin for 2500 Monkey money
Nerf.Churchill’s “Armor Piercing Shells” ability duration has been reduced from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
Buff. Churchill’s “Armor Piercing Shells” duration increases by 0.5 seconds for each level-up.
Buff. Churchills Level 10 “MOAB Barrage” Ability cooldown has been reduced from 90 seconds to 60 seconds
Buff. Churchills Level 20 “MOAB Barrage” Ability cooldown has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30 seconds
Buff. Churchill Level 7 now also adds +1 damage
Buff. Churchill Level 12 now also adds +1 damage on top of the Level 7 buff
Buff. XP Requirement for all levels reduced by 5% (1.8x –> 1.71x)
Buff. Churchill level 10 MOAB Barrage damage increased 100 -> 200
Buff. Churchill level 20 MOAB Barrage damage increased 250 -> 500
Buff. Captain Churchill’s machine gun and main gun attacks now (correctly) can deal damage to the same bloon if attacking simultaneously.
MOAB Barrage does not target blimps correctly. It is intended to always target the largest blimp on screen, but it appears to target the last blimp on screen with the last 9 missiles. Despite 14.0 supposedly fixing the bug, the bug still occurs.
There was a bug that made Captain Churchill weaker because the machine gun and main gun could not damage the same bloon if they happen to attack simultaneously. This was fixed on Version 22.0.
Fun Fact: Captain Churchill is based off of the former British prime minister Winston Churchill, a famous war hero known for leading Britain during World War II.
Benjamin. the Code Monkey

Benjamin is a Hero in Bloons Tower Defense 6. Benjamin was released in the 3.0 update on August 22nd, 2018. It costs 3,000 Monkey money to unlock him.
Unlike other heroes, Benjamin does not attack bloons directly. Instead, he uses his hacking skills to primarily provide extra money, as well as lives at Level 6+. He does gain a Bloon Trojan attack starting at Level 7, where affected bloons spawn no children when destroyed. At Level 10+, he gains an ability that downgrades all incoming bloons (except DDTs and BADs) by one rank as well as doubling cash per pop for all affected bloons (triple at Level 20). Benjamin levels 1.5x slower than the base four heroes (Quincy, Gwendolin, Striker, and Obyn), or 0.66x as fast.
In version 11.0, he was given a new skin called DJ Benjammin’, or just Benjammin’, who has new voice lines and graphics. He wears slacky white clothes and a white cap which he wears backwards, and his computer is replaced with a DJ turntable and a laptop. This skin costs 2,500 Monkey money to unlock. A Sushi Bento skin was added in version 24.0, replacing Benjamin’s laptop and desk with a sushi mat.
Base costs: $1,020 on Easy, $1,200 on Medium, $1,295 on Hard, and $1,440 on Impoppable.
1. works best in Co-Op Mode, as due to the bloon pop cash being shared to each player but not cash distributed by him, he will be capable of producing massive amounts of cash per round that can easily counteract the reduced cash per pop. Skimming also works with all players of the co-op match.
2. Skimming on rounds with Bloon Rushes can earn players a lot of cash quickly, when combined with Syphon Funding. This can also make the rush easier to deal with.
1. useless in C.H.I.M.P.S. mode because his abilities do not generate any extra cash due to the mode’s limitations.
2. useless in late game runs
Level 1: Hacks in income of $100 at the end of every round.
Level 2: Income increased from $100 to $150 per round.
Level 3: Biohack Activated Ability – For 6 seconds, grants +1 damage to the nearest 4 Monkeys. Affected Monkeys are disabled from attacking for 2 seconds after the buffs expired. Cooldown is 30 seconds.
Level 4: Skimming – Earns +$1 for every new Bloon spawned.
Level 5: Bank Hack – All banks earn +5% income.
Level 6: Cyber Security – Restores 5 lives at the end of each round up to maximum.
Level 7: Bloon Trojan – Every 5-7 seconds sends a Trojan software virus to random Bloon. Affected Bloon spawns no children when destroyed and produces extra cash (+rank). If target is destroyed before the Trojan reaches it, it can choose a different target. Cannot target Camo Bloons.
Level 8: Income increased from $150 to $250.
Level 9: Bank hack increased from +5% to 12%.
Level 10: Syphon Funding Activated Ability – For 10 seconds, downgrades all new Bloons other than DDTs or BADs by one rank, and downgraded Bloons give double cash. Cooldown is 65 seconds.
Level 11: Income increased from $250 to $300.
Level 12: Skimming increased to $2 per Bloon.
Level 13: Biohack adds +2 damage to 6 Monkeys for 8 seconds.
Level 14: Cyber Security adds 10 lives per round and can go up to 100 over starting lives (except on Impoppable and CHIMPS).
Level 15: Income increased from $300 to $500.
Level 16: Bloon Trojan is sent every 3-4 seconds and produces more cash (+2*rank).
Level 17: Income increased from $500 to $800.
Level 18: Bloon Trojan can affect BFBs, DDTs, and Camo Bloons.
Level 19: Biohack adds +3 damage and lasts 9 seconds with no cooldown.
Level 20: Syphon Funding lasts 20 seconds and cash per pop is tripled for affected Bloons.
Biohack – 4 closest Monkeys pop an extra layer per attack for 6 seconds. Affected Monkeys can’t attack for 2 seconds after the effect ends.
Syphon Funding – Downgrades all newly spawned Bloons by 1 rank. Cash per pop from affected Bloons is doubled(tripled at Level 20). Lasts 10 seconds. (20 seconds at lvl 20)
Passive Abilities:
Skimming: adds $1 to your cash total for every new bloon spawned. Increased to $2 at level 12.
Bank Hack: All Banks (tier 3+ middle path Banana Farms) earn +5% income. Increased to 12% at level 9.
Cyber Security: adds back 5 lives at the end of every round. Adds back 10 lives at the end of every round and can go up to 100 lives. at level 14.
Bloon Trojan: Every 5-7 seconds sends a Trojan software virus to random Bloon. Affected Bloon spawns no children when destroyed and produces extra cash. Bloon Trojan is sent every 3-4 seconds and produces more cash at level 16 and can affect BFBs, DDTs, and Camo bloons at level 18.
Version History:
Benjamin received various buffs to his offensive roles and also to his Bank Hack at Level 9, which should allow him to scale better on harder rounds. He still remains a popular hero on non-CHIMPS games due to his highly cost-efficient early-game income.
Benjamin was released.
Buff. Syphon Funding now gains bonus income from all layers.
Buff. Abilities are no longer cleared when a round ends.
Buff. Fixed bug in which “hacked” towers could use abilities, but no projectiles showed up.
Change. Trojan art now sits correctly on MOABs.
Buff. Now acts as range for 2/x/x Monkey Subs.
Change. Benjamin’s Biohack will no longer apply to Benjamin, Tech Bot or Energizing Totem
Buff. Benjamin’s level 3 Biohack cooldown reduced (45s -> 30s)
Buff. Benjamin’s level 7 Trojan now awards $1 for each tier of Bloon affected with the virus
Buff. Benjamin’s level 9 Bank hack increased (8% -> 12%)
Buff. Benjamin’s level 13 Biohack damage bonus increased (+1 -> +2)
Buff. Benjamin’s level 16 Trojan now awards $2 for each Bloon Tier
Buff. Benjamin’s level 19 Biohack damage bonus increased (+2 -> +3)
Nerf. Benjamin’s Cyber Security no longer does anything on Impoppable Difficulty, regardless of Custom Challenge
Change. Resolved a sequence of cash multipliers with Syphon Funding that could cause Bloons to give negative cash upon pop
Change. Level 7 description changed from “Bloon Trojan – Every few seconds sends a Trojan software virus to random Bloon. Affected Bloon spawns no children when destroyed.” to “Bloon Trojan – Every few seconds sends a Trojan software virus to random Bloon. Affected Bloon spawns no children when destroyed and produce 2x cash.”
It is unknown if this is an accurate description.
Change. Level 16 description updated to reflect 2x Trojan cash
Level 16 description changed from “Bloon Trojan is sent more often.” to “Bloon Trojan is sent more often and earns more cash.”
Fun Fact: Benjamin’s quote “Have you tried turning it off and on again” is a reference to The IT Crowd sitcom, where it is a frequent notice. Generally, this is a basic IT advice for technological troubleshooting, as turning the device off and on often solves common issues.
Ezili. the Voodoo Monkey

Ezili is a Hero in Bloons Tower Defense 6 who was added in the game in the 7.0 update. She uses dark voodoo magic to attack the bloons. Her attacks act similarly to the Alchemist, except the magic only pops up to 5 bloons at a time and initially only applies damage-over-time to one bloon at a time. Since she attacks with magic, she can’t pop Purple Bloons unless in range of an MIB Village. She is tied with Sauda as the second-cheapest Hero in the game (with Quincy as the cheapest), Ezili can be unlocked for 3000 Monkey Money.
Ezili’s hero skin, Smudge Catt, was released in the 12.0 update. With this skin, she turns blue with green eyes, and has an orange cat. Her hero pet, a purple frog, can be purchased for 75 Trophies and is compatible with the base skin. Ezili is also featured in the Facepalm Emote and Slick Profile Ezili custom avatar.
Base costs: $510 on Easy, $600 on Medium, $650 on Hard, and $720 on Impoppable.
1. Has Base Camo and Lead popping power
2. Moab HEX ability can one-shot any moab class bloon no matter how much Hp it has
1. Can’t pop purple bloons
2. Main attack is weak and doesn’t pop an extra bloon layer untill at level 19.
Level 1 – Curses Bloons with dark voodoo power which slowly damages Bloons over time.
Level 2 – Increased attack range.
Level 3 – Unlocks Heartstopper.
Level 4 – Increased main attack damage. Splash damage curses Bloons.
Level 5 – Increases attack speed.
Level 6 – Damage over time lasts longer and damages faster.
Level 7 – Unlocks Sacrificial Totem.
Level 8 – Ezili’s attack does far more damage to MOAB-Class Bloons. Damage over time now deals 20 damage every second, and main attack deals 3.
Level 9 – Ezili’s attack strips off Camo, Regrow and Fortified properties from non-MOAB Class Bloons.
Level 10 – Unlocks MOAB Hex.
Level 11 – Increased attack range. Increases pierce of all Zombie Bloons you summon by +50%.
Level 12 – Heartstopper has reduced cooldown and lasts longer.
Level 13 – Base attack has a larger splash radius and extra pierce.
Level 14 – Damage over time damages faster.
Level 15 – Increased range.
Level 16 – Sacrificial Totem lasts longer and only costs 1 life to use.
Level 17 – Base attack has an even larger splash radius and extra pierce.
Level 18 – Increased attack speed.
Level 19 – Damage over time pops two layers at a time instead of one.
Level 20 – MOAB Hex damages MOAB-Class Bloons twice as fast. (Also allows her to affect BADs.)
Heartstopper – While active, all Regrow Bloons will be unable to regrow layers for 6 seconds. Similar to the Grow Blocker Upgrade on the Village (0-1-0 Village) but with unlimited range. Increases to 15 seconds at level 12.
Sacrificial Totem – Generates a totem that grants extra pierce, extra range, extra attack and projectile speed, and Camo detection to all nearby towers, but also takes away 10 lives. Decreases to 1 life penalty upon reaching Ezili Level 16+. Lasts 30 seconds at level 7 and 60 seconds at level 16.
MOAB Hex – Places a curse on a MOAB-Class Bloon, causing it to take constant damage until destroyed, spawning no children bloons while still giving the full cash amount. Affects up to ZOMGs and DDTs, but can only affect BADs once Level 20 is reached.
Version History:
Ezili has been buffed overall, giving her with more versatility on CHIMPS scenarios, although the Version 8.0 level rate nerf did make her no longer able to naturally reach Level 20 before Round 100 without Energizer or manually buying levels.
Nerf. No longer strips special properties off of Purple Bloons.
Nerf. Ezili’s leveling up curve now progresses slower to an extent that barely prevents her from naturally reaching Level 20 before Round 100 without enhancements, even if placed on Round 1.
Buff. MOAB Hex now jumps to the next-strongest target if the main target is destroyed before the duration expires. The amount of times it can jump is infinite, but duration stays the same.
Change. Level 4 splash AOE no longer centers around her if she destroys the target Bloon in one shot.
Buff. Ezili’s level 1-3 basic attack now immediately has an 8 radius, 5 pierce splash for 1 damage
Buff. Ezili’s level 4+ now allows the main attack to curse all targets hit by the splash
Buff. Ezili’s level 7+ Sacrificial Totem will now activate the Bomb Blitz and Elite Defender life-loss abilities
Buff. Lv 11 Ezili also increases pierce of ALL Zombie Bloons you summon by +50%
Buff. Level 10 MOAB Hex initial target will now follow Ezili’s priority instead of Strong
Buff. Level 10 MOAB Hex jump target will now follow Ezili’s priority instead of Close
Fun Fact: Level 20 Ezili can defeat a B.A.D. on her own with the MOAB Hex ability on any map, including the vertical paths on #Ouch. She can even defeat a Round 999 Fortified B.A.D on Logs as well.
Pat Fusty. the Giant Monkey

Pat Fusty is a hero in Bloons Tower Defense 6 who was added in the game in the 9.0 update. He is a gigantic monkey who uses slam attacks to crush Bloons. At level 1, his slams have 11 pierce and deal 2 damage. These attacks can naturally pop Lead Bloons, but cannot pop Camo Bloons without support. He can also be placed in water. Pat can be unlocked for 3000 Monkey Money.
Base costs: $680 on Easy, $800 on Medium, $865 on Hard, and $960 on Impoppable.
1. can regularly knock back MOABs and stun bloons, starting from Level 5 and 6, respectively, including stunning MOAB-class from Level 13 onwards.
2. Can be placed on both land and water (if placed on water it is best to pair him with a 5-0-0 Monkey Sub For a full uptime of rallying roar.)
1. abilities require careful timing especially if the map or mode is harder.
2. requires 1.425x as much experience points to upgrade towards each level.
Level 1 – Pat slams Bloons into the ground.
Level 2 – Increased radius of Pat’s slam attack.
Level 3 – Rallying Roar Ability:Rallying Roar: All nearby Monkeys can pop +1 layer for a short time.
Lasts 8 seconds, cooldown of 45 seconds.
Level 4 – Increased attack speed.
Level 5 – Pat sometimes does a slap attack that pushes Bloons back a considerable distance.
Level 6 – Bloons hit by Pat are stunned for a short time.
Level 7 – Increased popping power.
Level 8 – Increased attack speed.
Level 9 – Increased range.
Level 10 – Big Squeeze Ability: Grabs a MOAB, BFB, ZOMG, or DDT (if granted camo detection) and crushes it over 5 seconds. Cooldown of 20 seconds.
Level 11 – Pops more layers per attack.
Level 12 – Increased attack speed.
Level 13 – Attacks stun Bloons for longer and can stun MOAB-Class Bloons briefly.
Level 14 – Rallying Roar has increased range and duration (10 seconds), plus increased damage bonus from +1 to +3.
Level 15 – Slap attacks affect more Bloons.
Level 16 – Increased range.
Level 17 – Increased attack speed.
Level 18 – Increased popping power.
Level 19 – Pops more layers per attack.
Level 20 – During Big Squeeze, Pat can grab 4 MOAB-Class Bloons at once.
Rallying Roar: All nearby towers can pop 1 extra layer for 7 seconds.
Big Squeeze: Grabs a MOAB, BFB, ZOMG, or DDT (if visible) and crushes it over 5 seconds.
Version History:
Overall, his Rallying Roar was slightly nerfed since Pat Fusty was first released. His main attacks, however, were overall buffed. He remains useful in combination with high-projectile tower strategies, most especially with Tack Zone to which it works the best with for multiple reasons.
Change. New Big Bloon Option can be unlocked after winning 10 games with Pat Fusty
Change. Bloons caught by Big Squeeze are now larger
Change. Fusty the Snowman skin added.
Buff. Pat Fusty Level 1 main hit damage increased 2 -> 3
Buff. Pat Fusty Level 1 AoE hit damage increased 1 -> 2
Buff. Pat Fusty Level 11 main hit damage increased 4 -> 5
Buff. Level 7 now increases base attack damage from 3 to 4
Buff. Level 7 now increases base splash damage from 2 to 3
Nerf. Level 14 Rallying Roar no longer provides a bonus to Ceramic & MOABs
Buff. Level 14 Rallying Roar damage bonus buff increased from 1 to 3
Buff. Level 16 Base Ceramic damage bonus increased from 2 to 7
Buff. Level 10 ability no longer consumes Overclock duration
Nerf. Level 3-13 Rallying Roar buff duration reduced (7s -> 5s)
Nerf. Level 14+ Rallying Roar buff duration reduced (12s -> 10s)
Nerf. Level 3+ Rallying Roar cooldown increased (40s -> 45s)
Buff. Pat Fusty Level 3-13 Rallying Roar duration increased (5s –> 8s). Level 14+ duration remains the same.
Ninja Kiwi provided reasoning for this balance change in the 21.0 Patch Notes.
“ We feel that applying the entire recent Roar nerf right away from level 3 was a mistake. To alleviate the impact here we have increased the level 3 duration to a little more than it was ”
Change balloon.png Level 3 Description changed from “Rallying Roar: All nearby Monkeys can pop +1 layer. Lasts 5 seconds.” to “Rallying Roar: All nearby Monkeys can pop +1 layer for a short time.”
Buff. [undocumented, bug] Rallying Roar now grants towers with normal type damage temporarily
Nerf. Patched the above bug.
Fun Fact: Pat Fusty’s voice has a striking resemblance to the voice of Patrick Star from the Successful Nickelodeon cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants. One of Pat’s voice lines is similar to a line Patrick Star says in Season 10. Episode 1. Whirly Brains; at one point in that episode, Patrick says “M-O-O-N spells moon!”, whereas Pat Fusty says “B-A-D spells BAD!” when a B.A.D. appears on the track.
Adora. the High Priestess

Adora is a Hero in Bloons Tower Defense 6 that was added to the game in update 14.0. She shoots homing sunbeams that can pop up to 5 bloons per shot, including Lead Bloons. She cannot detect Camo Bloons without support, and cannot pop Purple Bloons without her first ability. Adora can be unlocked for 5000 Monkey money.
Base costs: $850 on Easy, $1000 on Medium, $1080 on Hard and $1200 on Impoppable.
1. Blood Sacrifice ability can be used to wipe out unneeded towers
2. Monkey city upgrade (0-0-4 Village) can provide an endless free supply of dart monkey which can be used to keep Adora’s level 7 abiltiy running at not only buffing not just Adora but also the 3-0-0 super monkeys within her range.
1. Not a good hero to use on CHIMPS or on Co-Op Mode.
2. Weak in mid-game without utilizing her Blood Sacrifice ability to gain higher levels.
Level 1 – Divine Bolt seeks out and destroys Bloons.
Each Divine Bolt can pierce through 6 Bloons.
Level 2 – Increased attack range.
Level 3 – The Long Arm of Light: Greatly increases attack range and power for a short time. (also allows adora to damage all bloon types as well)
Level 4 – Shoots double Divine Bolts.
Level 5 – Divine bolts pierce through more Bloons
2 more pierce, 8 in total
Level 6 – Shoots 3 Divine Bolts at a time.
Level 7 – Blood Sacrifice: Sacrifice a targeted Tower to grant Adora large amounts of XP and boost her attack range and rate of fire for a short time.
It is not mentioned that this buff also applies to nearby Sun Avatars and above.
Level 8 – Shoots 4 Divine Bolts at a time.
Level 9 – Increased attack range.
Level 10 – Ball of Light: Brings forth a powerful ball of energy to strike down the Bloons.(can deal up to 771 damage total [tested on a round 309 BAD without any buffs])
Level 11 – Adora increases attack speed.
Level 12 – Shoots 5 Divine Bolts at a time.
Level 13 – Divine Bolts pierce through more Bloons (5 more pierce, 13 in total).
Level 14 – Shoots 6 Divine Bolts at a time.
Level 15 – Divine Bolts burn through an extra Bloon layer.
Level 16 – The Long Arm of Light becomes even more deadly. (deals double damage)
Level 17 – Adora increases attack speed even more.
Level 18 – Shoots 8 Divine Bolts at a time.
Level 19 – Increased attack range.
Level 20 – Ball of Light is greatly improved. (can deal up to 8580 damage total)
True Sun God Form (level 21) – +5 damage and +30 pierce to all attacks. Ball of Light Total Damage Output is increased to 10725. (without any buffs)
The Long Arm of Light – While active, Adora’s attack range and power are boosted tremendously. This ability also allows her to pop Purple Bloons. This ability becomes even more potent at Level 16.
Level 3 :+5 pierce, double range and allow Adora to pop purple bloons for 10 seconds.
Level 16: Now doubles damage for 15 seconds.
Blood Sacrifice – Adora can sacrifice another tower on the field to give herself a large XP boost for no cost. The amount varies depending on the cost of the tower and its upgrades, with more expensive towers granting more XP. The amount is 4 times the value of the sacrificed tower; i.e., if she sacrifices a tower worth $6,500, it’s as though she applied $26,000 toward XP.
Additionally, upon activation Adora and all Sun Avatars in range receive 10% attack speed and range for 10 seconds, essentially the cooldown time for the ability. Blood Sacrifice buff also affects Sun Temple and True Sun God.
Ball of Light – A ball of light surrounds Adora for a short while, doing massive damage against a single target at (apparently) unlimited range. This attack, while independent, relies on the same targeting priority as Adora herself. This ability becomes more powerful when Adora is fully leveled up. At level 20, it can remain active more than half the time, allowing her to take down a B.A.D. single-handedly on some maps. Although Adora cannot detect camo Bloons without support (e.g. radar scanner) the ball of light itself CAN detect camo, if it passes through the radius of a 0-2-0 village, as it is orbiting the tower, even when Adora herself is not within the radius.
Version History:
Adora received a small buff overall, mostly to improve her balancing before she reaches her powerful Level 20. While some higher skilled players debate that Adora is one of the worst heroes, casual players often tend to prefer using her instead because of her multiple accurate long-ranged bolts.
Buff. XP requirements for all levels reduced by 5% (1.8x levelling speed to 1.71x levelling speed)
Ninja Kiwi provided reasoning for this balance change in the 21.0 Patch Notes.
“ Keeping in line with our “Slow” hero XP curve, Adora’s XP requirement will be reduced to match the new curve applied on Churchill ”
Buff. Blood Sacrifice now also increases the attack speed and range of Adora and Sun Avatars in range by 10% each for 10 seconds. Also affects Sun Temples and above.
Ninja Kiwi provided reasoning for this balance change in the 22.0 Patch Notes.
“ Adora’s level 7 ability served little purpose once she reached level 20, to solve this and also give her a small overall buff we have applied an extra bonus when sacrifice is used. ”
Description changed to reflect buff.
Changed from “Blood Sacrifice: Sacrifice a targeted Tower to grant Adora large amounts of XP.” to “Blood Sacrifice: Sacrifice a targeted Tower to grant Adora large amounts of XP and boost her attack range and rate of fire for a short time.”
Buff. Level 10-14 Ball of Light damage increased compared to Adora’s base damage (+1 to +2)
Buff. 15-19 Ball of Light damage increased compared to Adora’s base damage (+1 to +3)
Change balloon.png Lv20 Ball of Light remains at +18 compared to Adora’s base damage (20)
“ Ball of Light’s power before level 20 has been improved to scale through the mid game better ”
~ Ninja Kiwi
Fun Fact: Adora’s name and apperance appear to be a reference to Adora/She-Ra from the show She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.
Admiral Brickell. the Naval Commander

Admiral Brickell is a Hero in Bloons TD 6 who was added in Version 18.0. She is the first purely water-based hero in the game. She dispenses mines into nearby water and fires from her revolver. Her revolver pops one bloon at a time and initially deals 3 damage per shot. Each mine is dispensed around nearby water every 3 seconds and lasts for up to 2 rounds. Mines quickly home onto bloons once they are in close range of them. She can be unlocked with a one-off purchase of 5000 Monkey money.
Base Costs: $640 on Easy, $750 on Medium, $810 on Hard and $900 on Impoppable.
1. Her pistol is useful earlygame as an immediate attack, meaning she can quickly hit fast bloons such as spaced Yellows and Pinks on early rounds such as 14 or 15.
2. Mega Mine is great for stopping hordes of MOAB-class bloons and break down larger blimps into more manageable chunks
1. mine stockpiles are terribly ineffective against leaking spaced bloons
2. Pistol attack becomes less relevant overtime.
Level 1 – Drops powerful sea mines that seek and destroy Bloons.
Pistol deals 3 damage with a range of 50 and attacks every 0.8s.
Mines are dropped every 3.0 seconds in nearby water. They avoid being placed on other water towers. They have a 120 second or 2 round lifespan.
The initial hit deals 1 damage to the affected bloon, then releases an explosion with 1 damage, 20 pierce and explosion damage type.
Level 2 – Increased attack speed.
Pistol reduced to 0.7s cooldown.
Mines reduced to 2.8 seconds cooldown.
Level 3 – Naval Tactics Ability: Greatly increases attack speed of nearby water-based Monkeys for a short time.
For 9 seconds, all nearby water towers including Brickell gain 50% cooldown or 200% attack speed.
Level 4 – More popping power for Sea Mines.
Pierce for explosion increased from 20 to 28.
Level 5 – Naval Tactics increases popping power and allows affected Monkeys to hit all Bloon types except Camo.
Naval Tactics also gives +1 pierce and normal damage type to nearby towers.
Level 6 – Increases the damage of Sea Mines and Pistol attacks.
Pistol damage increased from 3 to 5.
Sea Mines damage increased from 2 to 3.
Level 7 – Increased attack range and Camo Bloon detection.
Range increased from 50 to 58.
Level 8 – Naval Tactics allows affected monkeys to hit Camo Bloons.
Level 9 – Sea Mines do extra damage.
Sea Mines damage increased from 3 to 7.
Level 10 – Mega Mine: deploys to any water area a devastating Mine that triggers on MOABs and stuns nearby Bloons. Mega Mines last 3 rounds.
Mega Mines have 4000 damage, 100 pierce and a 5 seconds stun if the bloon survives. They have a 180 second or 4 round lifespan.
Level 11 – Faster deploy speed and deploy rate for Sea Mines.
Mine cooldown reduced to 2.8 seconds from 2.5 seconds.
Level 12 – Pistol attack increased speed and damage, Sea Mines increased damage.
Pistol damage increased from 5 to 7, and attack cooldown reduced from 0.7 seconds to 0.4 seconds.
Sea Mines damage increased from 7 to 12.
Level 13 – Mega Mine cooldown reduced.
Reduced from 60 seconds to 50 seconds.
Level 14 – Naval Tactics duration increased.
Increased from 9 seconds to 12 seconds.
Level 15 – Enhanced Sea Mines have a larger explosion, can damage Black Bloons and can remove Camo.
Level 16 – Attack and Sea Mine deploy range increased slightly.
Range increased from 58 to 62.
Level 17 – Sea Mines do greatly increased damage.
Damage increased from 12 to 22.
Level 18 – Mega Mine cooldown reduced even further.
Mega Mine cooldown reduced from 50 seconds to 40 seconds
Level 19 – Naval Tactics affects all water-based towers everywhere.
Level 20 – Mega Mine does massively increased damage
Damage is increased from 4000 to 15000.
Naval Tactics: Greatly increases attack speed of nearby water-based Monkeys for a short time.
Level 3: Half attack cooldown or double attack speed for 9 seconds. 50 seconds ability cooldown.
Level 5: Also gives +1 pierce and normal damage type.
Level 8: Also gives camo detection to affected Monkeys.
Level 14: Duration increased to 12 seconds.
Level 19: Now affects all water towers on screen.
Mega Mine: Deploys a huge Sea Mine capable of destroying big Bloons.
Level 10: Mega Mines have 4000 damage, 100 pierce and a 5 seconds stun if the bloon survives. Note that the damage does not soak through layers. 180 seconds or 4 round lifespan. 60 seconds cooldown.
Level 13: 50 seconds cooldown.
Level 18: 40 seconds cooldown.
Level 20: 15000 damage.
Version History:
Admiral Brickell was overall nerfed since she was added into the game. She remains usable in niche strategies where a majority of defense involves water-based towers, but is no longer the dominant hero since her Version 20.0 nerf alongside nerfs to Ballistic Missile and Sub Commander.
Nerf. Bugfix: Now uses correct, slower, XP curve. (XP requirements changed from 1x to 1.425x)
Nerf. Level 10 Mega Mine now properly has a lifespan (180 seconds or 4 rounds, whichever is shorter)
Buff. Level 10 Mega Mine can now be supported by a Techbot
Buff. Level 10 Mega Mine has a 5s stun as well.
Buff. Level 20 Mega Mine has a 10s stun as well.
Buff. Resolved an issue where reloading with level 20 Brickell reduced Mega Mine to level 10
Nerf. Lv 3: Naval Tactics Duration reduced 10 → 9
Nerf. Lv 14: Naval Tactics Duration reduced 15 → 12
Nerf. Lv 10: Mega Mine damage reduced from 5000 → 4000
Nerf. Lvl 5: Due to a bug, Naval Tactics no longer allows nearby Water Monkeys to pop all Bloon types.
Buff. Lvl. 5: Naval Tactics now correctly allows Water Monkeys to damage all Bloon types.
Fun Fact:
the quote “Good work! I’ll most likely **** you in the morning!” when she is very annoyed is very similar to what the male protagonist (Wesley) quoted from the Dread Pirate Roberts when he took Wesley in as part of his crew.
Etienne. the Drone Operator

Etienne is a Hero in Bloons TD 6, released in the Version 20.0 update. He specializes in air-based attacks using drones. He initially has 55 range with his main attack being a ranged attack from his drone. As he levels up, he’ll be able to control a greater number of drones, utilizing an increasing number of control patterns for his drones. At Level 8+, he grants camo detection to all towers on screen, like a global Radar Scanner. At Level 10+, a large UCAV (Unmonkeyed Combat Aerial Vehicle) can be summoned with an ability. This ability allows the UCAV to move at a low-flying height while shooting waves of missiles, comparable to a mix between Adora and Spectre, or the Rocket Storm ability. Level 20 modifies the Level 10-19 ability to deal hugely increased damage from the UCAV, while keeping the regular UCAV characteristic of the Level 10 ability active permanently. Note that the Level 20 permanent UCAV is only powerful as the UCAV from the Level 10 ability, discounting UCAV upgrades after Level 10 for the permanent UCAV.
Base Costs: $720 on Easy, $850 on Medium, $920 on Hard, and $1020 on Impoppable.
Level 1 – Flies a deadly little drone around to shoot at the Bloons.
Drones have 1 damage, 2 pierce and attack every 0.7 seconds. This drone always targets first. Despite being a possible subtower, it is affected by Overclock. The drone attack is of the sharp damage type.
The drone can fly around Etienne’s range of 55 and fire at bloons within range.
Level 2 – Etienne’s range increased.
Range increased from 55 to 60.
Level 3 – Drone Swarm Ability: Etienne launches 4 more temporary drones to wreak some Bloon popping havoc.
Spawns 4 temporary drones with the same stats as main drones which last 17 seconds. The 4 drones always target, First, Last, Strong, Strong (blue, green, yellow, yellow) regardless of Etienne’s targeting.
Duration increases by +0.5 seconds for every level of Etienne, up to a maximum of 25.5 seconds at Level 20. It can be calculated using the formula (15.5+.5*level)
Cooldown is 70 seconds.
Level 4 – Drones increase in popping power.
Drone pierce increased by 1.
Level 5 – Drone increased attack speed and infra red camera allows shooting of Camo Bloons.
Drone attack cooldown reduced to 0.55 seconds and gain camo detection. For the purposes of Advanced Intel, Etienne’s range is now considered camo.
Level 6 – Drone Swarm ability cooldown reduced.
Cooldown reduced from 70 seconds to 55 seconds.
Level 7 – Etienne now controls 2 drones at once.
Gains “First” targeting option, which switches all drones to target first (blue, blue).
Gains “Divide and Conquer” targeting option, which switches one drone each to target first and strong (blue, yellow)
Note again that these targeting options do not change the targeting of Drones from Drone Swarm.
Level 8 – UAV: all Monkeys gain Camo Bloon detection.
Level 9 – Drones pop an extra Bloon layer.
Level 10 – UCAV ability: high altitude surveillance drone becomes devastating combat drone for a short time.
UCAV has 10 missiles with 3 damage, 25 pierce and attacks every 0.6 seconds with infinite range. The missiles are of the explosive damage type, and always seek towards the first bloon.
The missile may hit another bloon beforehand and explode without hitting the first bloon.
Cooldown is 90 seconds.
Level 11 – Etienne gains a third drone to control.
Gains “Zone Defense” targeting option, switching one drone each to target First, Strong and Last (blue, yellow, green).
“Divide and Conquer” now becomes First, Strong, Strong targeting (blue, yellow, yellow).
Level 12 – Drone upgrades! Increased popping power and flight speed.
Pierce increased to from 3 to 6.
Level 13 – UCAV ability cooldown reduced.
Cooldown decreased from 90 seconds to 75 seconds.
Level 14 – Drone damage increased greatly.
Damage increased from 2 to 3.
Level 15 – UCAV damage output and duration greatly increased.
Duration increased from 15 seconds to 20 seconds.
Missile damage increased from 3 to 6 and pierce increased from 25 to 30.
Level 16 – Etienne’s range, drone popping power, and Drone Swarm ability cooldown all improved.
Drone pierce increased from 6 to 9 and Etienne range increased from 60 to 80.
Level 17 – UCAV damage output greatly increased again!
Damage increased from 6 to 9.
Level 18 – Drone damage increased.
Damage increased from 3 to 4.
Level 19 – Etienne now controls four drones all the time!
Drone targets Close (purple) with Zone Defense. Drones will target First, Strong, Last, Close (blue, yellow, green, purple).
Drone targets first (blue) with Divide and Conquer. Drones will target First, Strong, Strong, First (blue, yellow, yellow, blue).
Level 20 – Perma-UCAV: Surveillance drone becomes permanent UCAV. When activated becomes more powerful for a short time and can pop all Bloon types.
Note that UCAV missile is reduced from 9 damage to 3 and 30 pierce to 25.
UCAV ability duration is still 20 seconds, increases UCAV damage from 3 to 12 and pierce from 25 to 30, and temporarily gains normal damage type for the duration of the ability.
Drone Swarm: Spawns 4 temporary drones with the same stats as main drones which last 17 seconds. The 4 drones always target, First, Last, Strong, Strong (blue, green, yellow, yellow) regardless of Etienne’s targeting.
Duration increases by +0.5 seconds for every level of Etienne, up to a maximum of 25.5 seconds at Level 20. It can be calculated using the formula (15.5+.5*level)
Cooldown is 70 seconds.
UCAV: high altitude surveillance drone becomes devastating combat drone for a short duration. The UCAV with 10 missiles with 3 damage, 25 pierce and attacks every 0.6 seconds with infinite range. The missiles are of the explosive damage type, and always seek towards the first bloon.
The missile may hit another bloon beforehand and explode without hitting the first bloon.
Cooldown is 90 seconds.
Version History:
During the first few weeks of Etienne’s release, most of the community considered him to be a very weak hero, as they felt his earlier upgrades were far too weak. However, as time passed on, the community discovered that he is in fact a very powerful hero when used correctly, especially because of his UCAV ability. His UCAV got nerfed after players began to showcase feats of him saving up heaps of money on CHIMPS, but still remains as a top-tier hero on True Experts in particular.
Buff. Lv3 Drone Swarm ability duration increased (15s → 17s)
Buff. Lv3 Drone Swarm ability lasts +0.5s longer for every level of Etienne
Change balloon.png Lv16 Drone Swarm no longer increases ability duration.
Previously, Level 16 reduced Drone Swarm cooldown to 50 seconds and made temporary drones last 25 seconds in addition to its current effects.
Buff. Lv20 ‘Ability’ UCAV duration increased (15s → 20s)
Buff. Lv20 ‘Ability’ UCAV deals normal damage for buff duration
Description changed from “Perma-UCAV: Surveillance drone becomes permanent UCAV. When activated becomes even more powerful for a short time.” to “Perma-UCAV: Surveillance drone becomes permanent UCAV. When activated becomes more powerful for a short time and can pop all Bloon types.”
Nerf. Level 10-14 UCAV duration reduced (20s -> 18s)
Nerf. Level 15+ UCAV duration reduced (25s -> 20s).
Sauda. The Swordmaster.

Sauda is a Hero in Bloons TD 6, first released in Version 24.0. She is a swordmaster, and is the second melee hero in the game (the first being Pat Fusty). She uses her two swords to pop bloons, dealing one damage per attack across a 90-180 degree cone. She attacks quickly, approximately every ~0.4s at base, and even faster at higher levels, but she has low range, at 23 initially. Initially, she pops up to 4 bloons per attack. She is the second hero to receive built-in camo detection at base level, the first being Ezili. She is unlockable with a one-off cost of 5000 monkey money.
Base costs: $510 on Easy, $600 on Medium, $650 on Hard, and $700 on Impoppable.
Upgrades: Level 1 – Slashes with both swords at nearby Bloons.
Attacks every 0.4s, deals 1 damage, +1 Ceramic and MOAB-class damage, 4 pierce, and range of 23.
Level 2 ($257) – Pops more Bloons per attack.
Pierce increased from 4 to 6.
Level 3 ($656) – Leaping Sword Attack: Sauda’s dramatic leap attack slams down on her targeted Bloons.
Targets based on her target priority. The leap attack creates a tiny area-of-effect that deals 20 damage or 100 MOAB-class damage on the initial hit, affecting up to 20 bloons within the area. Can pop Frozen Bloons and Lead Bloons.
After the leap attack, leaves behind her old blades for 5 seconds after the attack lands, dealing 1 damage per 0.2s to up to 5 bloons who pass through. This effect can also pop Frozen Bloons and Lead Bloons.
Level 4 ($1,425) – Sauda’s swords slice through 2 layers of Bloons.
2 damage, and Ceramic and MOAB-class damage improves from +1 to +2.
Level 5 ($2,651) – Sauda attacks faster.
0.4s –> 0.32s
Level 6 ($4,674) – Increased attack range and popping power.
Pierce increases from 6 to 8, range from 23 to 26.
Level 7 ($7,382) – Sauda preys on the Bloons’ weakness, doing extra damage if they are stunned, and she can now pop frozen Bloons.
Deals +2 damage to stunned Bloons, +20 damage to stunned MOABs
Level 8 ($11,856) – Sauda attacks even faster.
0.32s –> 0.25s
Level 9 ($13,367) – Bloon Bleed: Sauda pops through 3 layers of Bloon with each strike, and causes a slow damage over time effect.
Bloon Bleed deals 1 damage per 2.0s or 20 MOAB-class damage per 2.0s, for up to 4 seconds.
Sword attack deals 3 damage, or +3 to Ceramic and MOAB-class (instead of +2).
Level 10 ($19,409) – Sword Charge: Sauda slides along the whole track, devastating Bloons as she goes.
Charges from the back of the track path towards the front. Creates more copies of herself on maps with multiple entries or multiple exits.
20 damage to up to 400 bloons on screen with each copy of herself.
This special attack can damage Lead bloons.
Level 11 ($23,242) – Sauda inflicts extra damage to any Bloon slowed, immobilized, or taking damage over time from other monkeys.
+2 damage to Bloons, +10 damage to MOABs. Can stack with the bonus stunned bloon damage.
Level 12 ($20,520) – Leaping Sword Attack increases greatly in power.
Leaping Sword leap deals 70 damage, or 200 to MOAB-class onto up to 40 bloons.
Level 13 ($23,726) – Enchanted blades do more damage and allow Sauda to damage all Bloons.
Main attack now damages Leads, damage of main attack increased from 3 to 4, and bonus Ceramic and MOAB-class damage from +3 to +4.
Level 14 ($21,290) – Sauda attacks even faster.
0.25s –> 0.16s
Level 15 ($23,342) – Increased attack range and popping power, and Bloon Bleed deals more damage.
Pierce increased from 8 to 10, and the Leaping Sword ability’s after-effects swords deal up to 10 damage.
Range increased from 26 to 29.
Level 16 ($25,394) – Sword Charge greatly increased damage.
Sword Charge deals 120 damage instead of 20.
Level 17 ($27,446) – Sauda’s sword attacks slice through many Bloon layers at once.
Sword deals 7 damage and +7 damage to Ceramic and MOAB-class
Level 18 ($29,498) – Sauda’s swords attack with a blur of speed.
Attacks every 0.1s instead of 0.16s.
Level 19 ($23,470) – Enchanted Blades do extra damage to Regrow, Fortified, and Camo Bloons.
Deals +2 damage to bloons with Camo, Regrow, Fortified, or any valid combination of the three. For blimps, blimps with Camo and/or Fortified are dealt +10 damage.
Level 20 ($24,624) – Sword Charge sweeps all track paths three times!
Sword Charge now deals 220 damage, pops up to 1400 bloons, and repeats three times.
Leaping Sword leap deals 570 damage, or 700 MOAB-class damage, and pops up to 60 bloons.
Leaping Sword’s after-effect swords deal 60 damage.
Leaping Sword Attack: Sauda’s dramatic leap attack slams down on her targeted Bloons.
Targets based on her target priority. The leap attack creates a tiny area-of-effect that deals 20 damage or 100 MOAB-class damage on the initial hit, affecting up to 20 bloons within the area. Can pop Frozen Bloons and Lead Bloons.
After the leap attack, leaves behind her old blades for 5 seconds after the attack lands, dealing 1 damage per 0.2s to up to 5 bloons who pass through. This effect can also pop Frozen Bloons and Lead Bloons.
Sword Charge: Sauda slides along the whole track, devastating Bloons as she goes.
Charges from the back of the track path towards the front. Creates more copies of herself on maps with multiple entries or multiple exits.
20 damage to up to 400 bloons on screen with each copy of herself.
This special attack can damage Lead bloons.
During the first few weeks of her release, Sauda was considered “overpowered” by the BTD6 community, attributed mostly to her extreme numbers of new 2TC combos. However, as time went by, the BTD6 community began to realize that she has been overestimated, due to the fact that her true power only opens where she can be placed in a spot where her low range but high attack speed and damage can be maximized.
On the April 2021 Q&A video, Ninja Kiwi stated that Sauda would be nerfed in Version 25.0 with range nerfs. This in effect has retained her start-of-game utility but restrict her further into map-dependency.
Nerf. Attack range reduced from 25 to 23
Nerf. Lv6 Attack range bonus reduced from 4 -> 3
Nerf. Lv15 Attack range bonus reduced from 4 -> 3
Fun Fact: Sauda’s quote “Hero time!” is also said by Finn in Bloons Adventure Time TD. She is also inspired by the attack concept of Finn, who also attacks with swords, except he attacks with one sword at moderate speed.
Hero Categories (Primary,Military,Magic,Support)




Every Hero Ranked



Captain Churchill (Note That Captain Churchill’s image is not on here becasue while making this it broke the list categories causing the ones below to merge with the C category)



Pat Fusty and Sauda are the only melee heros in the game
Ezili and Sauda both have Base camo bloon detection at level 1
Benjamin and Obyn are the only towers who can generate in game cash
Etienne is the only air based hero in the game
Adora is the only hero in the game to have a level 20 transformation
Ezili is the only hero who can solo the B.A.D (Big Airship of Doom) without any other towers on the screen.
Benjamin is the only hero who has a in game behavior similar to that of the Banana Farm, Only with many abilities.
Related Posts:
- Bloons TD 6 Heroes Tier List 2021 (The Best Heroes Ranked)
- Bloons TD 6: Geraldo’s Wider Shop Guide
- Bloons TD 6: Glorious Gold Achievement Guide
- Bloons TD 6: How to Get the Four “Extras” Achievements
- Bloons TD 6: Hook, Line, and Sinker Achievement Guide