How to make money easily through farming and the best way to spend it!
Note: This guide is current as of version 6-98.3556. all is subject to change
Introduction: Why farm?
Money has a multiple of useful applications and is needed to progress through the game and reduce grind.
Plant Profit Table

Animal Profit Table

Garden Setups
Wood and Stone are going to be the most easily available resources early on. There is a few wood deposits around Carpenters valley, and stone around Broken Stairs.
Solid Wood and Marble are both end game resources that require exploring the storm to unlock. There is a good source of Solid wood during the swarm quest in the upper section of Carpenters valley, available once you talk to the hunter.
The easiest way to get bamboo seeds is to visit the large trader town in the centre of the map, turtle town. You can go here at any stage in the game and buy seeds. Use the fuel trader right outside for quick travel.
Later on, you can upgrade a trader’s market to tier 2 to buy bamboo seeds conveniently from your base, however this is not necessary.
Ranch Setup
While chickens produce the highest potential profit per hour, cows have the best return of any animal or crop in the game. This makes them perfect to use when going out on long
You can buy animals from the trader in turtle town. Chickens and pigs can be bought from a tier 1 traders market, and cows from a tier 2 traders market.
Best Plants and Animals
However, if you go away a lot, change out your chickens for cows as they produce the highest profit per harvest.
Happy Farming!
What to spend your money on
The trader in Turtle Town sells more throughout the game, and allows you to buy most of the parts and resources you need.
Fast Travel
Fast travel is key to saving on fuel costs and time, use it whenever you can.
Most craftables take a few hundred bucks, this can add up quickly when crafting a new set of gear.
Combine this with purchasing the needed resources for ultimate efficiency.
Mod boxes
Travelling shop keepers can be found randomly around the map which sell mod boxes. Be on the lookout for the tier 3 shop keeper hidden in the swarm.
Thanks to pandalords for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.