Many players of Beyond Citadel have experienced issues with sporadic mouse input during gameplay, particularly when attempting to aim or fire. This guide provides a straightforward solution to resolve these issues by adjusting the game settings.
Problem Description
It seems to stem from the game running in windowed mode even while in fullscreen and your clicks sometimes dragging and resizing the game window. This can be easily tested by performing an alt + enter in game and trying to play in a smaller window, you’ll see the resizing causing missed clicks and creating a resizing effect in game.
Shoutout to Puto_Trash_Actual for pointing me in the right direction, thank you!
Locate Your GameUserSettings.ini
Users > YOUR NAME > AppData > Local > beyond_citadel > Saved > Config > WindowsNoEditor > GameUserSettings.ini
Edit GameUserSettings.ini File
In this section, change the following:
- Anything with RESOLUTION keyword to your native desktop resolution.
- Anything with FULLSCREEN keyword to 0.
- bUseVSync to True (not sure if this is required, but it helped with my screen tearing issues in-game)
Save the changes to the file and launch the game, mouse input problems should be gone.
Example Configuration
[/script/engine.gameusersettings] bUseVSync=True bUseDynamicResolution=False ResolutionSizeX=3840 ResolutionSizeY=2160 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX=3840 LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY=2160 WindowPosX=-1 WindowPosY=-1 FullscreenMode=0 LastConfirmedFullscreenMode=0 PreferredFullscreenMode=0 Version=5 AudioQualityLevel=0 LastConfirmedAudioQualityLevel=0 FrameRateLimit=0.000000 DesiredScreenWidth=3840 bUseDesiredScreenHeight=True DesiredScreenHeight=2160 LastUserConfirmedDesiredScreenWidth=3840 LastUserConfirmedDesiredScreenHeight=2160 LastRecommendedScreenWidth=-1.000000 LastRecommendedScreenHeight=-1.000000 LastCPUBenchmarkResult=-1.000000 LastGPUBenchmarkResult=-1.000000 LastGPUBenchmarkMultiplier=1.000000 bUseHDRDisplayOutput=False HDRDisplayOutputNits=1000
Thanks to Hoshie for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.
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