An overview of all the weapons in the game.’
Overview of Weapons
- On top of more likelihood of jamming, the lower the weapon condition, the more shots will start to deviate from point of aim.
- When dropping a weapon or stripping armor, make sure you have ample space in front of you to avoid the dropped item clipping through the wall and becoming lost.
- Bullet travels from the gun at the bottom of the screen, at extremely close range aim higher than normal for headshots to prevent shots hitting low.
- To hold breath and steady aim, crouch and hold the sprint button while in ADS.
- Ammo received when buying from ammo vendors benefit from the double ammo gain blessing (permanent passive buff) so you can get more bang for your buck, obtained from 6-EX.
Unjamming weapon malfunctions: almost all if not all weapon stoppage in this game is a failure to eject, simply spam the chamber or aim button to rack the bolt repeatedly until the obstruction is cleared. You can remove the magazine first before spam racking the bolt, but in my experience that doesn’t save a significant amount of time.
Mag-fed reloads: (1) unload button, (2) reload button, (3) chambering button.
Speed reload: (2) press reload button until you insert mag, (3) chamber if empty.
Note: skipping the mag removal will dump it on the ground.
With how fast you can press two buttons to remove and insert mags, speed reloads usually aren’t worth it unless you’re being highly pressured or in a panic situation.
Individual round reloads: (2) reload button to insert new rounds until full, (3) chamber if empty. You can also load one, chamber and then load the rest.
Speed control: hold reload button to let the game automatically insert new rounds at a steady pace, or rapidly spam reload button to cram rounds into the gun as fast as possible.
Straight into chamber reloads: pump action and lever action weapons can leave the chamber open when the gun is empty so you can insert a round straight in and skip chambering.
Chamber open -> load a round into the chamber
Chamber check/mag check: if you press and hold the number corresponding to the weapon you have equipped you can do a chamber check/mag check on most weapons. Although this function is purely for flair and doesn’t do much since you can see your ammo count very clearly.
Note: Not all weapons have chamber check animations.
1. Melee

- Primary fire: horizontal swing, alt-fire: vertical swing, aim button: throwing knives (ammo required).
- Each swing does multiple hits along the arc, horizontal better for cleaving AoE and vertical better for single target damage.
- Firemode switch button: sharpen and restore weapon condition for free once you have a whetstone. (Forgiver exclusive)
- Primary fire: pin point stab, alt-fire: horizontal swing (multi-hit), aim button: throwing knives.
- Primary fire: left hand swing, aim button: right hand swing, alt-fire: throwing knives.
- Each swing is single hit but can be spammed as fast as you can click.
2. Pistols (.44 Magnum)

- Summary: high damage per shot, more versatile when upgraded, comes with a hatchet melee alt-fire, slight shot deviation from point of aim, partial reloads will always drop bullets.
- Alt-fire is a horizontal hatchet swing with multiple hits, usage cost weapon condition on hit.
- Aiming will make sure the hammer is pulled back before going into ADS.
- Chambering button: cycles between pulling the hammer back and releasing the hammer forward.
- Unload button: will open the cylinder and eject all the rounds inside, the cylinder will remain open.
- Aim button while the cylinder is open will close the cylinder.
- Speed loader: reload button while the cylinder is closed will use a speed loader, all rounds inside will be ejected before the new rounds go in.
- Reload button while the cylinder is open will load rounds individually one by one, can be spammed rapidly to load faster.
- Firemode switch: eject current rounds and change the ammo type to shotgun ammo that has to be loaded in manually after.
- .41 shell upgrade: allows the gun to accept shotgun ammo.
- Fanning burst upgrade: holding down the trigger and then spamming the chambering button will fan the revolver one shot at a time. Holding the chambering button instead of spamming will become a 3 shot burst instead. Before fanning make sure the hammer is forward when holding down the trigger to not waste the first shot.
- Summary: fairly accurate, red dot sight provides clear sight picture, low recoil, high magazine capacity, controllable rapid fire, can become a machine pistol, high ammo consumption with rapid fire.
- Alt-fire shoots while angling the gun sideways in a Center Axis Relock position, this stance negates recoil while shooting in full auto.
- Full auto upgrade: can be unlocked at workbench along with double column upgrade that doubles magazine capacity to 20.
Meta-Magnum Mk-II
- Summary: highest accuracy and least shot deviation at longer ranges, great ammo capacity after upgrade, great for mid range sniping headshots on static targets, alt-fire grenade can help deal with heavies.
- No bullet drop at mid range and very little bullet drop at long range, can be used to snipe headshots at any range as long as you can see the enemy’s head from hipfire view without zooming in.
- Alt-fire: attaches a grenade to the barrel and become a grenade launcher.
- Firemode switch: cycles between semi auto and burst fire.
- HV grenade upgrade: turns it into a mini rocket launcher with 2 additional mini explosions after the initial one, stronger than throwing a normal grenade and has no drop on the projectile.
- Tube extension upgrade: triples the ammo capacity to 18 and also cause 3 rounds to be loaded per single reload press, can be spammed to load to full almost instantly.
- Ironsight is too big and obstructs the target’s head, better to use hipfire crosshairs’ center dot for headshots.
3. Rifles (7.62x51mm)

- Summary: conventional bullpup assault rifle, fast rate of fire, fairly accurate bullet spread in short controlled bursts, well-balanced at different ranges, low recoil, high ammo consumption in full auto, low magazine capacity when mag dumping, burst fire mode recommended.
- Alt-fire: attaches a grenade into the underbarrel grenade launcher, cannot remove the grenade without shooting it.
- Cannot use sights when grenade is attached, ADS becomes the zoomed in hipfire crosshairs.
- Red dot sight and burst fire mode upgrades are shared with the machine rifle, you unlock for one you unlock for both.
Machine Rifle A2
- Summary: functions like an LMG, slower rate of fire in full auto, faster rate of fire in burst fire mode, high magazine capacity, great for close range crowd control, burst fire for better shot grouping, high vertical recoil, inaccurate bullet spread, a lot of bullet drop at longer ranges.
- Burst fire vertical recoil will jump up and down with each burst, aim for body and ride the recoil up instead.
- Alt-fire: shoots a hitscan laser beam using energy cells, can be used to snipe at any range if recoil can be managed.
- Laser is effective against flesh, cybernetics and robotic targets.
M11873 Breechloader
- Summary: single shot rifle, low ammo consumption, has a bayonet, no magazine, cheap.
- Alt-fire: is a bayonet stab that deals multiple hits in one thrust.
- Upgrades: none.
- Can load additional rounds into the barrel to become a grapeshot and shoot multiple shots at the same time shotgun style.
- Chambering button: cycles between opening and closing the breech if the gun is empty, if the gun is loaded chambering button unloads the round.
- Unload and firemode switch button when the gun is empty and breech open pushes a ramrod into the barrel.
- If the gun is loaded and breech is open, firemode switch button also uses the ramrod.
4. Shotguns (8 Gauge 0000 Buck)
Due to a bug, during the shotgun shell chamber insert animation the game will still register your reload spam inputs and consume more ammo than necessary despite loading only one shell into the chamber. Let the chamber reload animation finish first before cramming more shells in.
Sawn-off Repeater
- Summary: conventional pump action shotgun, good close range damage, decent magazine size after upgrade, can slam fire for rapid shots.
- Alt-fire: uses a grenade to insert a slug round which can deal a good chunk of damage to heavy infantry and robot enemies.
- Need to eject 2 shells to load a slug round if the gun is already full.
- Firemode switch: uses a speed loader to slam a full tube magazine worth of shells into the gun (5 default, 10 upgraded).
- Wide choke upgrade: changes the pellet spread into a horizontal line.
- Magazine extension upgrade: increases the capacity to 10.
- Slam fire: hold down the trigger and spam the chambering button or aim button.
- Summary: over-under double barrel break action shotgun, good burst damage, more bang per buck for each shotgun shell, reload often, narrow choke upgrade can be used to shoot at longer ranges than sawn-off repeater.
- Alt-fire: shoots both barrels at once instead of one at a time with primary fire.
- Chambering button: cycles between breaking open and closing the barrels.
- Unload button: eject the shells when the barrels are already open, if not then it also break open the barrels as well.
- Firemode switch: load slug rounds when the barrels are open and empty.
- Narrow choke upgrade: allows for tighter pellet grouping.
- Birdshot upgrade: adds more projectiles into each shot so it’s just a straight damage increase, I don’t think damage per pellet decreases but unconfirmed.
Shockhammer Mod.II
- Summary: Striker style rotating cylinder shotgun, great DPS from full auto, can burst down and kill even bigger targets with one mag dump, low magazine capacity without upgrade, weapon condition deteriorate quickly in full auto.
- Alt-fire: load a slug round, also need to eject 2 shells first if already full.
- Firemode switch: cycles between semi auto and full auto. Every time the game loads the fire select will revert back to semi auto.
- Narrow choke upgrade same as above.
- Large cylinder upgrade increase the capacity to 10.
5. Heavy Ammo Weapons (12.7x99mm/.50 Caliber)

- Summary: lever action repeating rifle, high damage per shot, some bullet drop at longer ranges, low ammo consumption, low weapon condition deterioration rate, can be used as marksman rifle with the scope upgrade.
- Alt-fire: use a grenade to fire a five pellet shot in horizontal line.
- Firemode switch: changes the magnification from normal ADS zoom to 2x (ironsights) or 2x to 4x (scope upgrade).
- Scout scope upgrade: changes the ADS magnification to 2x or 4x adjustable.
- Extension tube upgrade: increase the tube magazine capacity to 15.
Heavy MG
- Summary: high sustained DPS, high ammo consumption, fire rate increases as the ammo in the drum decreases, slight delay after pulling the trigger for the bullet to fire, high weapon condition deterioration when belt dumping, versatile alt-fire for both squishy or hard targets.
- Alt-fire: default is a flamethrower using energy cells, micro-missile launcher fires small rockets uses grenades as ammo.
- Firemode switch: cycles between flamer and micro-missile launcher alt-fire.
- Micro-missile upgrade: adds a different alt-fire function to the gun.
- Hi-capacity drum upgrade: increases ammo belt to 200 rounds in each drum.
Xeta Rifle
- Summary: high caliber battle rifle, high damage per shot, a lot of bullet drop at longer ranges, a lot of shot deviation in hipfire, very little deviation in ADS, low weapon condition deterioration.
- Alt-fire: default is a five pellet shot in a horizontal line same as cavalry carbine, grappling hook pulls you towards the point of aim.
- Firemode switch: cycles between semi auto and burst fire.
- Grappling hook upgrade: adds a short range hook with no cooldown, can be used to climb to higher elevation or hook forward rapidly from point to point.
- Long magazine upgrade: increases magazine capacity to 40.
6. Flechette Ammo Weapons (10mm high-velocity)

- Summary: open bolt submachine gun, low damage per shot, fast rate of fire, low recoil, high magazine capacity when upgraded, high ammo consumption, high bullet spread during full auto, low individual shot accuracy, spray and pray.
- Alt-fire: pulls out a metallic ballistic shield to block incoming frontal attacks, uses energy cells upon blocking damage.
- Firemode switch: cycles between attaching and removing the suppressor upgrade.
- Suppressor upgrade: reduces noise and range of enemies aggroing from hearing. Suppressor has its own condition and stops being effective at 0%, cost 300 gold at the workbench to obtain another one.
- Explosive flechette upgrade: damage increase.
- Long magazine upgrade: increases capacity to 70.
- Loses roughly 2% weapon condition with each 70 round magazine.
- Less weapon condition deterioration when shooting underwater than other weapons doing the same.
- Summary: multi-barrel special weapon, super high DPS, super high ammo consumption, very fast rate of fire, no reload necessary, shoots in bursts that resets after letting go of the trigger, high weapon deterioration, obtained very late in the game.
- Alt-fire: launches a grenade.
- Firemode switch: cycles between rapid fire mode and volley mode.
- Rapid fire mode: is normal full auto and releasing the trigger shoots a shotgun blast.
- Volley mode: is full auto that shoots 5 pellets in a horizontal line, trigger release is the same but with more damage.
- Each trigger release consumes 10 ammo to shoot a big blast, each burst is 20 shots so that’s 30 ammo consumed in total for each full burst.
- Doesn’t shoot flechettes despite using that ammo type.
- Upgrades: none.

- Summary: single shot rocket launcher, the first anti tank weapon, low ammo consumption, high weapon condition deterioration per shot.
- Alt-fire: triple micro rockets, shoots three low damage rockets in succession, consumes 1 rocket ammo per shot, good against infantry and suppressing a small area with AoEs.
- Cluster warhead upgrade: adds roughly 4 additional explosions after the initial detonation, increases destructive power overall, more damage than triple micro rocket.
- High-velocity rocket upgrade: reduces projectile drop over distance, reaching the target faster also reduces chance of rocket being intercepted mid air by enemy bullets.
- Upgrades are shared with the flash II, unlock for one unlock for both.
XM9202 Flash II
Summary: 4 shot rocket launcher, super high burst damage potential, higher ammo consumption, relatively low weapon condition deterioration rate when compared to the alternative.
Alt-fire: canister munition shoots a blast of numerous pellets like a shotgun, uses rocket ammo.
8. Anti-materiel Rifle (20x99mm tungsten core armor-piercing)

- Summary: bolt action anti-materiel rifle, functions as a long range sniper in game, variable high magnification zoom for long range engagements, considerable bullet drop at extreme ranges, scope reticle has markings for 100, 200 and 300 meters.
- Alt-fire: by default it loads an HE round (eject 2 rounds first if the gun is full). Reflex booster consumes an O2 canister to heighten senses and enter slow motion.
- Firemode switch: cycle through the different magnification settings from 4x to 8x to 16x with the upgrade.
- Reflex booster upgrade: allows for slow motion, can be installed or uninstalled at workbench to switch between reflex booster and HE round alt-fire.
- 16x scope upgrade: allows the magnification to go up to 16x, can become tricky to compensate for bullet drop past 200 meters.
- Can hold breath and steady aim while standing, crouch not necessary.
- When the magazine isn’t full (5 rounds) and the bolt is open, you can load individual bullets with the reload button.
Range finder: Aim at the base of where the enemy is located to use the scope’s range finder and figure out the distance, aiming directly at the enemy won’t compute distance on their body and will pass through to the background. If there’s a wall behind them then it’ll compute that distance instead.
16x magnification limitation: the scope’s marking at 16x is on the right side of the vertical line which only goes up to 200 meters, any farther than that and you’ll be aiming too high to see the bullet’s trajectory and impact clearly.
If the target distance is at a number that’s not 100, 200, 300 meters to use the markings directly, guesstimate where that number would be on the vertical line using the closest distance marking as reference.
9. Explosives

- Summary: satchels of plastic explosives, decent anti tank/anti armor damage, can be spam multiple and detonate all at once, free pickups can be found in various stages.
- The remote detonator itself doesn’t have any weapon condition, once you obtain it you have it forever. Satchels can be bought as ammo for 100 gold each but free pickups can be found in various stages.
- Primary fire: throws a satchel, alt-fire: detonates
- Chamber and firemode switch button cycles forward through the explosive category, cannot cycle backwards.
- Summary: anti-tank anti-personnel landmines, good anti-tank damage, has a brief arming period when settling on the ground (makes a beep noise when armed), cannot be thrown directly at enemy to explode (they have to move into it), can be shot to manually detonate them, has an IFF that detects friend or foe.
- Can be picked up off the ground, enemy mines can be picked up safely for defusal and conversion.
- Primary fire: throws a landmine, alt-fire: toggles between detect enemy and detect all mode.
- Meant for anti-tank but can be used for anti-personnel as well.
Laser Designator
- Summary: a laser designator for indirect fire support and air support, high destructive power for both armored vehicles and groups of infantry, 15 meter AoE damage radius, unable to be used in indoor stages, designator only need to be picked up once.
- Both types uses one support ticket for each use, each ticket cost 500 gold at ammo vendors (2 with double ammo gain blessing).
- Primary fire: 105mm artillery barrage, alt-fire: 20mm air strike.
- Despite the equipped weapon info saying the artillery barrage is 105mm at the bottom right corner of the in game HUD, the description for the support ticket at the ammo shop says 152mm.
10. Fusion Weapons

- Summary: energy based pistol, shoots balls of plasma, low damage per shot, full auto, high ammo consumption, expensive, can pack a big punch at the cost of weapon life, extremely high weapon condition deterioration when using certain functions.
- Alt-fire: consumes energy cells up to a certain amount and overcharges the weapon to fire an explosive projectile, uses 20 ammo in the magazine/battery with each full charge, reduces weapon condition by 5% for each shot and also gradually drains condition when holding the charge.
- Holding the charge for too long will cause the gun to start beeping, this simply means the gun is continually losing weapon condition. When the weapon condition reach 0% it’ll blow up in your hands, breaking the weapon won’t cause any damage to you.
- Firemode switch: cycles between semi (single projectile) and burst (three projectiles per shot), both modes can be fired in full auto when holding the down trigger.
- Burst mode upgrade: shoot three projectiles at the same time per shot, uses 3 ammo per shot.
- Large battery upgrade: increases the capacity to 40.
- Summary: energy based rapid fire special weapon, high sustained DPS, uses ammo from the total capacity no reload required, very effective against most enemy types, high weapon condition deterioration.
- Alt-fire: projects an energy shield in front that absorbs damage and cause the user to gain some HP, consume energy cells when in use.
- Upgrades: none.
- Reload button: convert the user’s HP into more ammo, can be held until full. Will only drain HP until 1, won’t kill the user.
- Firemode switch and chamber button: toggles dissolver/decomposer’s position between left and right side.
- Primary fire: rapid fire left side effect type, aim button: being ADS causes the gun to shoot 3 projectiles in a horizontal line (right side effect type) which consumes 5 ammo per shot.
- The two effect types: dissolver petrify human enemies into fragile statues, decomposer melt human enemies down into chunks.
Thanks to Reizie for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.
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