Beneath Oresa: How to Save Scum and Unlock Stuff Quickly

Are you tired of facing the consequences of your own actions? Tired of grinding for unlocks while getting annihilated by the denizens of Oresa? Tired of rage quits err… crashes erasing progress? Fear not, for there is a solution!


How to Save Scum

IMPORTANT: If you are in combat, do not close the game while you are doing this! If you do, your current run will be lost!

Step 1: Finding the Saves Folder

Open Windows File Explorer and navigate to “C:\Users\[YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME]\AppData\LocalLow\Broken Spear Inc\beneath-oresa” (without the quotes). The contents of the folder should look something like this:

Mac and Linux

Based on a bit of research, I think save games may be located at:

  • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Broken Spear Inc/beneath-oresa
  • Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Broken Spear Inc/beneath-oresa

I do not have a way to test either of these. If you have a Mac or Linux machine, commenting whether these work would be much appreciated. If it doesn’t but you’re able to figure out what does work, let me know and I’ll update the guide!

Step 2: Gettin’ Scummy
  1. In the directory you just found, I recommend making a new folder in the same directory called “backup” or similar.
  2. Now, simply copy all* the files — but not the Unity folder — into the backup folder.
  3. Die, make a dumb misplay, pick the wrong card, or otherwise mess up in some way.
  4. Close the game.
  5. Copy the files from your backup folder back into Beneath Oresa’s save directory.
  6. Open the game, hit “Continue”, and pretend like nothing happened!

You can also use this to make regular backups of your save games if you’re worried they may get corrupted, want to transfer saves between computers, etc.

*I believe only the file is strictly necessary for save scumming, but the others don’t hurt.

How to Unlock Stuff Quickly

  1. Start a run and play through the game. It doesn’t really matter how far you get, but the further you get (and the higher Architect’s Curse difficulties you are playing on) the fewer times you’ll have to do the following steps to rack up XP.
  2. BEFORE closing the game, navigate to the “beneath-oresa” folder as described above and make a backup of the “” file. DON’T back up the “” file.
  3. Back in game, hit escape and “Give Up”.
  4. After you’ve received your XP and unlocks, close the game.
  5. Copy the backup “” file back into the “beneath-oresa” folder (again, make sure you do not overwrite the “” file.
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 6 until you have the desired amount of XP.

Isn’t this, like, cheating?

Yes. If this ruins your enjoyment of the game, just don’t do it. It’s a single player game, so your choice whether to save scum and/or fast-track unlocks doesn’t hurt anyone. Live and let live, ya feel?

Thanks to BTrizzle for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.

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About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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