Unofficial Arma 3 Launcher (A3) which allows you to easily search and join modded servers! This guide will show you how to download and start using this launcher.
What is A3 Launcher?
A3 is an unofficial, easy to use launcher for Arma 3 that automatically downloads mods when joining any modded server and helps you easily manage all your mods.
How to Install?
Step 1: Press the green “Download Now” button on the website.
Step 2: Open the download file (there will be a User Account Control pop-up, simply hit yes).

Step 3: Choose which folder you would like A3 installed into.
Step 4: Leave this as is and hit next.

Step 5: Choose whether or not you want a desktop shortcut (recommended you have one).

Step 6: Installer should take seconds to complete.
How to Use Launcher?
The launcher itself is pretty straightforward. You can find the desired modded server, join it and the launcher will automatically download the required mods. Once finished, you will be able to start playing in any modded server of your choice. Have fun!

Thanks to N0T-a-N00B for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.
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