An Item guide for those who forget what item does what (like me), and for those who want to spoil the feeling of discovery when unlocking each item in the journal.
Item types intro
So, if you have played Risk of Rain, most of the variety will be known to you. The main difference is that while RoR had active items equiped, here we have equipped items that are passive, but can be upgraded.
Now, for you who never heard about Risk of Rain, I suggest you take a look into them, it’s a great game, both 1 and 2, with the 1st one being very similar to Ancient: Legacy of Azul, but with a space/alien/future theme.
So, there are 4 item categories: white, blue, yellow and pink. This mainly dictates its price, specific power/effect and/or rarity to get in a chest. They make you stronger, some more or less than others depending on the class you choose and the build you are trying. For most of them, the more the merrier. But for the pink items you can only equip one at a time. They give a substantial positive effect that can be upgraded with a specific currency (Azul Cristals, the blue Orb on the upper left corner of the screen). If you buy another copy of the same pink item they will not stack!
Now then, to the goodies!
White Items

Blue Items

Yellow Items

Pink Items

Thanks to rodrigocns for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.