Here is a guide on how to get all new achievements in Cupboards & Drawers DLC.
The Other Side

Complete the Cupboard & Drawers DLC
Everything Put Away

Find all solutions in the Cupboards & Drawers DLC (100% Completion)
Make sure you get every star on every level. If you’re struggling, feel free to use my walkthrough guide.
In No Rush

Sit with the cat for a while
I just opened Level 13 and did nothing for a few minutes and it unlocked.
Where Is My Cap?

Every cap has a new owner, but no two owners traded their caps
Put the wrong lid on every pen in Level 3. Make sure that you aren’t swapping the lids between 2 pens.
Can Do Altitude

That’s one epic stackOn Level 12 you just need to stack all of the cans on top of each other. This can be fairly difficult but just go slowly and add sections together.

Show Off

Be proud of your accomplishmentsOn Level 27 just take all of the trophies out of the cases.

A Balanced Meal

All you can eatOn level 7 you need to stack everything on top of each other, even the trays.

Thanks to biocate for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.
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- A Little to the Left: All Levels Solutions (New Cupboards & Drawers DLC)
- A Little to the Left: Alternate Solutions Guide
- A Little to the Left: All Puzzles Guide (Multiple Solutions Only)