This guide provides step-by-step tutorial how to modify “parts.seria” so your R-3N will have same placement requirements, as other conventional and nuclear tactical missiles.
Pretty much all of us, who use editor already seen that almost all conventional and nuclear tactical missiles require two 2×2 hull boxes. The only exception is R-3N, which can be placed in lined up four 1×1 hull boxes. And it doesn’t really make any sense.
So fix for it is rather simple, to ensure that it has exactly same space requirements as other tactical missiles. First, open file \HighFleet\Libraries\parts.seria with Notepad++ or similar text editor.
Original Code
Find this code:
m_children=15 { m_classname=Body m_code=15 m_id=-1658689344679066175 m_name=MISSILE m_state=2 m_master_id=4746525388143503777 m_position.x=-105.138 m_position.y=64.7977 m_center.x=-0.05 m_stage=3 m_meta=2199023255552 m_density=1000 m_mass=81879 m_mesh=1073741827 { m_classname=Mesh m_size=4 1.1501 -7.10641 1.1501 7.10642 -1.2501 7.10642 -1.2501 -7.10642 } m_layer=2 m_health=20 m_health_max=20 m_slot_type=1097 m_oid=MDL_NUKE_04 m_count=999 is_loot=true m_burn_hp=100 m_sprites=536870915 { m_classname=Sprite m_code=536870915 m_animation_name=nuke_04 m_mask=0 } m_slots=2147483651 { m_classname=Slot m_code=2147483651 m_type=1097 is_master=false m_position.y=-5.35714 } m_slots=2147483651 { m_classname=Slot m_code=2147483651 m_type=1097 is_master=false m_position.y=-1.78571 } m_slots=2147483651 { m_classname=Slot m_code=2147483651 m_type=1097 is_master=false m_position.y=1.78571 } m_slots=2147483651 { m_classname=Slot m_code=2147483651 m_type=1097 is_master=false m_position.y=5.35714 } m_spasmcode=27 m_spasmcode=220 }
New Code
And replace it with this code:
m_children=15 { m_classname=Body m_code=15 m_id=-1658689344679066175 m_name=MISSILE m_state=2 m_master_id=4746525388143503777 m_position.x=-105.138 m_position.y=64.7977 m_stage=3 m_meta=2199023255552 m_density=1500 m_mass=261187 m_mesh=1073741827 { m_classname=Mesh m_size=4 -1.75009 7.10642 -1.75009 -7.10642 1.75009 -7.10641 1.75009 7.10642 } m_layer=2 m_health=20 m_health_max=20 m_slot_type=1105 m_oid=MDL_NUKE_04 m_count=999 is_loot=true m_burn_hp=100 m_sprites=536870915 { m_classname=Sprite m_code=536870915 m_animation_name=nuke_04 m_mask=0 } m_slots=2147483651 { m_classname=Slot m_code=2147483651 m_type=1105 is_master=false m_position.y=-3.57143 } m_slots=2147483651 { m_classname=Slot m_code=2147483651 m_type=1105 is_master=false m_position.y=3.57143 } m_spasmcode=27 m_spasmcode=220 }
And viola, now your R-3N has exactly same installation/mounting requirements, as other tactical missiles.
Thanks to WarStalkeR for his great guide, all credit to his effort. you can also read the original guide from Steam Community. enjoy the game.
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