Worm Nest Plague: Walkthrough and Tips

This guide will go through some simple tips and locations of characters and items. There will also be a simple walkthrough after the tips.


Intro and Game Mechanics

In this game you play as two characters. The primary being a parasite that has entered a Host Body with the goal of corrupting the host to become of a force of Lust.

There are also times where you will control the Host interacting with others in events that introduce other pathogens into the Host Body or for unlocking CG Events.

As the parasite you will either be fighting the Immunity Cells which yield good ATP (currency) and protein fragments. You can get double xp and ATP rewards by impregnating the cells before defeating them. This is also a good way to get the Pathogen’s fluids items used in crafting. This is primary source of getting Protein Fragments which is used to infect Healthy Body Cells

The other type of enemy to fight is other pathogens. These enemies will be used to get impregnated by them to get new Party Members which will also unlock new Crossbreeding options and additional symptoms that can be unlocked. These fights will yield great exp, some protein fragments, pathogen fragments. Getting your team’s pathogens to stage 2 pregnancy will yield that pathogen’s egg and a Genetic Copy. Genetic Copies are used to unlock Crossbreed Pathogens and Symptoms.

There isn’t any combat with the Body Cell, but you will interact with them and use Protein Fragments to raise the organ’s infection count. A higher infection count will open up more symptom crystals. There are 4 stages to the Body Cell. Healthy -> Starting Infection -> Second Stage -> Fully Infected. Once they are fully infected they can be harvested for currency and infection level. You can leave them at this point and can come back to harvest them after doing a fight or waiting some time. The reset can be a bit tricky. The other option is to Vore them which will yield a Genetic copy and a random number of infections. This option is good if you want to quickly raise the infection level of the organ or need genetic copies.


As far as combat goes the quickest way to achieve victory is to pleasure the enemy with the H combat options.

The Key skills being Kiss and Oral. These two are the ones that help generate TP for your team to use other skills. When maxing out the enemies pleasure they take extra damage that is a hefty amount that is tied to their max hp and your magic attack stat. Maxing pleasure requires 3 hits in the green zone for the mini game that pops up or 6 yellow hits. Meaning you should be able to max their pleasure every other H attack on them. After 2 or 3 times their H Defense should be broken leaving them open for the breeding/vore attacks.

Another key skill is Milk Shooting. This will give a buff to the enemy preventing them from dying. This enables the Immunity Cells to not die before you can get them pregnant for the double rewards. You can then use the vore skill, which will fail to actually vore, to remove the milk buff allowing them to be defeated. For pathogens this will keep them around so you can create as many Eggs or genetic copies as you want.

Sometimes the Horny Debuff and the Exhausted debuff are enough to lower the H Defense of the Immunity Cell to open them up for Breeding/Vore attacks.


These are the party members that will help you in combat and help corrupt the host. There are three types of Pathogens; Parasites, Viruses, and Bacteria. There are subtle differences between them but they are mostly the same. Bacteria have the highest agility and Magic Attack (stat used for H attacks) giving them a slight edge in that playstyle. There is an item later on that will give permanent buffs to a pathogen for using the given skill that removes the subtle stat differences.

All of these pathogens are unlocked via Host World events. Some of these events are unlocked after breaking a Symptom Crystal.

Huggy – The starting parasite. The queen that starts it all. Does not produce Squirt or Eggs so outside of pathogen birthing there is not a point to get to pregnancy stage two with this pathogen. No Affection Events.

Cold Virus – First pathogen added to the party. Once you unlock the fever Symptom. Affection events outside of the Area where the Cold Virus enemy is found.

Rabies – Is unlocked by the first Dog event in the Host World. Enemy Pathogen is in the Mouth and the affection events are right outside of the dungeon.

Corona – Is unlocked by the Hospital patient zero Change Bed Sheet event. Found in the lungs with the affection event right outside the dungeon.

HIV – Is unlocked after the Ovary Infection Symptom is acquired. Pathogen can be found in the Womb along with the affection events.

E. coli – Is unlocked after the Lustful Heart Symptom is acquired. Pathogen and Affection events are in the Intestine.

S. pneumoniae – Is unlocked after the Sleepwalking Symptom is unlocked. Pathogen and Affection Events are in the Lungs.

N. fowleri – Is unlocked after the Hospital Patient Zero event Clean Body. Pathogen and Affection events are in the brain.

Trypanosoma Cruzi – Is unlocked after the Sleepwalking Symptom is unlocked. Pathogen and Affection Events are in the Heart.

Crossbred Pathogens

Stage 1

These are pathogens that require two Pathogens that have been birthed by the Player’s party. The First stage of crossbreeding requires one of the pathogens to have an affection of 20. You get 1 affection for every battle the pathogen was a part of. You can use and Egg and ATP to craft a gift to raise by 2 affection. The First Affection Event will give 5 affection and requires 2 affection to view. The second gives 10 Affection and requires 10 Affection to view. Meaning you only have to do 5 fights or 3 gifts to get to the missing 5 affection that you can’t get from events.

HotBreath – Huggy and Cold Virus. Cold Virus affection of 5 (different than the rest due to this being the first one) Affection events are in the Lungs.

Lustbite – Rabies and HIV (Affection 20). Affection events are in the Mouth.

Sweaty – Huggy and Corona (Affection 20). Affection events are in the Brain.

Farty Bacteria – E. coli and Corona (Affection 20). Affection events are in the Intestine.

Breast Bacteria – Trypanosoma Cruzi and S. pneumoniae (Affection 20). Affection Events are in the Breast.

Womb Bacteria – HIV and E. coli (Affection 20). Affection Events are in the womb.

Lust Parasite – Trypanosoma Cruzi and N. fowleri (Affection 20). Affection events are in the Heart.

Futa Parasite – HIV and Trypanosoma Cruzi (Affection 20). Affection events are in the P*nis.

Stage 2

The next set require 2 pathogens from the crossbred section and require one to be at 30 affection. This means 15 fights or 8 gifts plus the affection events to get to 30.

Milking Bacteria – Hotbreath and Sweaty (Affection 30). Affection Events in Lymph Area 2.

Rectum Parasite – Futa Parasite and Farty Bacteria (Affection 30). Affection events in Lymph Area 3.

Nipple Bacteria – Lustbite and Breast Bacteria (Affection 30). Affection Events in Lymph Area 4.

Ovary Parasite – Womb Bacteria and Lust Parasite (Affection 30). Affection Events in Lymph Area 5.

Stage 3

Sl*t Maker – Nipple Bacteria and Milking Bacteria (Affection 10). This one is a unique pathogen that has the Vore and Absorb ability which gives Permanent HP/MP/Attack/M.Attack every time an enemy is absorbed.


The Beginning

This part is pretty straight forward as you are introduced to the characters in the Host World. Eventually the Host becomes infected and you are transitioned into the Micro World playing as the parasite. Do the tutorial Battle against the Immunity Cell.

You then get introduced to the base area which has a few notables:

The Heal – interact to heal and remove debuff effects (exluding pregnancy)
Cross Breed – Where you go to get new pathogens.
Quest Board – Can look to see Body Organ Infection and any available Pathogens/Symptoms that can be unlocked.
Special Craft – Can craft Gifts and Fluid producing object.

Two Star Interact points which require pathogen fragments to make a new station.
Bed – plays a short CG and opens up the Event Recollection room.
Crafting – Allows you to spend resources to craft consumables, weapons, armor.

First Symptom and First Pathogen

You will be given the task to go to the Womb and start infecting normal cells with Protein Fragments and that you can get more from fighting the Immunity Cells.

The First Symptom Fever requires 1 Genetic Copy and 2 Infections. You can get 2 infections by spending two protein fragments on a Body cell. For the Genetic copy you can spend 1 more fragment on the Body cell and then vore them, or you can learn a Vore skill and use it on an Immunity cell and then Digest them. Either way once you got the required infection count and copies head to the symptom crystal and attack it. This will play an event where a new pathogen enters the lungs.

Head to the Lungs and fight the Cold Virus Pathogen using the H skills to get to pregnancy stage 2. Then you can birth your very own Cold Virus.

First Crossbreeding and Second Symptom

Now that you have Huggy and Cold you can crossbreed to get HotBreath. You will need Cold to have affection of 5. Do 2 battles with Cold and the first affection event to get there quickly. You will need 1 Genetic Copy as well. Once you have the required affection and a genetic copy you can head back to base and head to the cross breeding area. Enjoy the event and now you have 3 members in your party.

Also you now have a new Symptom you can attack. HotBreath Symptom which is in the lungs and requires a Lung Infection of 2 and 1 Genetic Copy. Do the infections make a copy if needed and attack that symptom crystal.

After you attack the symptom crystal you will be sent to the Host World where you will control the Host and be getting on a Bus to enjoy an event. After the event you will be back in the Micro world and have the host well on the way to being corrupted.

Symptoms and Pathogen Collecting

This is where things get a little more open ended. You are given full access to all the organs and the ability to travel between Host and Micro worlds. In the Host world you will be walking around going to Events that will either unlock just a CG or a CG and a new pathogen will be added to the body.

Important Symptoms as they unlock events that add Pathogens:
Ovary Infection – Womb Infection 10
Lustful Heart – Heart Infection 10
Sleepwalking – Brain Infection 10

Host World Events that can be done at any time:
Dog outside of House
Hospital Patient Zero has two events each one unlocking a new Pathogen.

You are free to do these in any order. You can even unlock additional Symptoms you have access to. Which you can check which Pathogens and Symptoms you can do by interacting with the Quest board in base or From the system menu – Datalog.

Once you have unlocked all pathogens from events be sure to recruit them so you can recruit all of the crossbred pathogens. The more pathogens you have access to the more symptoms you can unlock.

Lymph Area

This is an endgame area that unlocks after enough Symptoms are attacked. Each zone will have an Immunity Cell Boss fight. Which will require the body to have certain Infection points in order for more Immunity cells to get in on the action.

25 Infections will bring the Dendritic Cell into play.
45-50 will bring out the Neutrophils
70ish will bring out the Helper T Cells.
90 will bring out the Killer T Cells.

In order to reach the final areas of the Lymph Nodes you will have to have all Pathogens recruited and gotten the Super Pathogen.

These areas will have Levers tied to Gates that will have some good rewards.

Area 1

Going straight up you should come across Lever A and Gate A. Inside is a chest with a CG Key and a Counter attack module.

Area 2

Lever A is all the way up from the entrance and. The door is located near the entrance. Inside is a fountain that gives 1000 exp to every pathogen you have recruited.

Area 3

Lever A is slightly to the Left and up from the entrance. The Door is all the way to the right following the bottom. Inside here is a module that gives 3 times the EXP for the equipped pathogen.

Lever B is by the Boss. The Door is all the way to the left near the middle of the map. It has an exp fountain.

Area 4

Lever A can be found by going up from the entrance and taking the second path to the right. Then take the immediate Down path. The room is the first right path from the entrance. Inside is a Damage module that increases Attack and M. Attack by 50.

Lever B is found All the way up from the entrance. The door is located farther right of Lever A and has EXP fountains.

Area 5

Lever A is located straight up from the Entrance. The room is on the far left path going up to fight the boss. Inside is an EXP fountain and a CG Key.

Lever B is located before you come across the boss (Left and Below of boss). The room is by the entrance. It has a few chests that reward ATP.

Lever C is right and below of the boss. The room is in the left paths from Room B. It has another Damage module in it. I wouldn’t suggest stacking it on one pathogen as the agility reduction is pretty big with both.

Area 6

This area is unique in that Room B is inside of Room A and Room C is in B. Room A can be located left of where you enter.

Lever C is the easiest lever to find which is up and slightly right from where you enter. From this lever if you walk left into the wall you should see Lever B on the other side. From Lever B you can go down and to the left slightly to find Lever A. There are quite a few rewards in these rooms. However the biggest one is an equippable module that gives a pathogen the Vore and Absorb skill that permanently boosts stats. Making it the equalizer allowing you to create a true monster of which ever pathogen is your favorite. You can spread it around to create a terrifying force.

Area 7

Area 7 is the final showdown with the immunity system. Defeating the Boss will enter the End Game state.


You have conquered the immunity system of the Host and you are free to unlock the remaining symptoms and just have fun inside the host body. You can also try and collect the remaining CG events to complete the collection.

You also have a new option in the Host World with the Lust Beast form which gives new interactions and events in the world. All of which are repeatable. You can enable this form as you want to enjoy the events that were available before the Final Infection.

There are some different tatoos you can apply to the Beast form back in base with the Toggle Symptom Interact Point.

Items and do you need them?

I completed my first playthrough without making any items other than gifts to raise affection.

There are uses for every item and could probably make the game easier but I never found myself in a situation where I had to use them.

Crafted Items that I think provide the most benefit:

Weapons. Any that increase the M. Attack stat. Since the H Attacks are so strong and the damage is based off M. Attack it just makes the most sense to focus them.

Armor. There is no downside to these as they are unique and you can equip both for the ones in your party. Lvl 1s are easy to craft with just Protein and Pathogen Fragments.


The first module, Mutation Module, is by far the best module you can craft. You should try and make 10-12 of them. Each Pathogen can equip 3 modules. With an active party size of 4. you can have each one equipped with 3. They stack multiplicatively instead of additive. So if you have 3 equipped you won’t be getting 75% bonus xp you will be getting 95.3% bonus xp. This also stacks with 3 times exp module from the Final Area. Giving the equipped pathogen 368.75% bonus xp. Mutation modules require Cold Fluids and Cold Eggs. So cold should be your priority on making things pregnant and getting pregnant.

The ATP Extract Module is also very good as it makes Immunity Cell fights drop a crazy amount of ATP. It does not stack so you only need 1 of these. It only requires a Pathogen that gets introduced into the body so it is fairly quick to craft one of these.

The Other modules are ok the notables are the Loot Module which you only need 1 of but requires a Second Stage Crossbred Pathogen for the materials, so it will be a while. The TP module for a percentage of TP per turn. Its not the best but it can help if you don’t want the extra xp for all of your party and just use the mutation modules to catch up pathogens to the main party level.

You could probably use some of the other modules for different styles of play than a pure H combat.

Thanks to no for their excellent guide; all credit belongs to their effort. If this guide helps you, please support and rate it here. Enjoy the game.

About Robins Chew

I'm Robins, who love to play the mobile games from Google Play, I will share the gift codes in this website, if you also love mobile games, come play with me. Besides, I will also play some video games relresed from Steam.

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